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245 天前
回复了 rebecca554owen 创建的主题 宽带症候群 openppp2,一个次世代组网 VPN
无解的,下次注意。要是有解那就该弃用 bitwarden 了,这个理论上和 vaultwarden 无关。
性能没那么敏感就 sing-box tun ,比较简单灵活
{"type": "direct", "bind_interface": "eth0"}, {"type": "direct", "bind_interface": "wlan0"}

我手机使用 Linux 软路由上的 Exit Node ,公网的 IPv4 和 IPv6 都正常,没有什么特别的设置,tailscale up 命令选项和你也没什么区别
我想想怎么给它圆:可能有的 fs 不支持 seek ?
笔记 TODO 记账。。。
253 天前
回复了 wwhontheway 创建的主题 Go 编程语言 goland dlv remote debug 问题
@0o0O0o0O0o #1 docker 为例: `--cap-add SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined`
253 天前
回复了 wwhontheway 创建的主题 Go 编程语言 goland dlv remote debug 问题
`--cap-add SYS_PTRACE` 给了吗
253 天前
回复了 volvo007 创建的主题 OpenWrt 请教 openwrt 的编译问题
@adoal #18 看了你说的我才意识到 image builder 并没有编译源码,用了都一两年了才意识到,汗颜
253 天前
回复了 techdai 创建的主题 生活 大家有什么泡水喝不腻的❓
@AoEiuV020JP #30 换个直径足够、内部圆底的透明杯子吧,手洗就行,每天水龙头下十几秒搞定
253 天前
回复了 gongxuanzhang 创建的主题 程序员 在一个群里被恶心坏了
你问他”这不是一个技术群吗“,可能真不是,围绕个人的这种微信技术群我几乎一个也没见过,在 B 站发视频引流到微信群更可能是卖课的
253 天前
回复了 volvo007 创建的主题 OpenWrt 请教 openwrt 的编译问题

见我在这里的回复 https://v2ex.com/t/1030850

我是写成了脚本,docker pull 对应 tag 的 docker imagebuilder 镜像,没有任何缓存全新编译,而且是三个同时的,然后自动上传和刷入,没统计过时间,大约半小时吧
254 天前
回复了 terrysnake 创建的主题 Apple 感觉现在的 AI LLM 趋势对苹果而言就是死局
Apple 有个 iCloud Private Relay ,这种东西一定会有隐私问题,Apple:

> When Private Relay is enabled, your requests are sent through two separate, secure internet relays.
> Your IP address is visible to your network provider and to the first relay, which is operated by Apple. Your DNS records are encrypted, so neither party can see the address of the website you’re trying to visit.
> The second relay, which is operated by a third-party content provider, generates a temporary IP address, decrypts the name of the website you requested, and connects you to the site.

Apple 提供弱密码和已泄露密码检测:

> Your device may also inform you of passwords that may have been compromised in a data leak. This feature uses strong cryptographic techniques to regularly check derivations of your passwords against a list of leaked passwords in a secure and private way that doesn’t reveal to Apple your accounts or passwords. Apple will send to your device a list of common passwords that are present in data leaks. For your passwords that are not in this list, your device will send information calculated from your passwords to Apple to check if the passwords may be present in a data leak. You will be warned about your passwords determined to possibly be in a data leak. Your actual passwords are never shared with Apple, and Apple does not store the information calculated from your passwords. You can disable this feature at any time by going to Settings > Passwords > Security Recommendations.

Apple 还和 Cloudflare 它们一起搞了 ODoH 和 Private Access Tokens:

> ODoH adds a layer of public key encryption, as well as a network proxy between devices and DNS servers. The combination of these two added elements is designed such that only the user has access to both the DNS messages and their original IP address at the same time.
> Apple never learns which app or website that you're signing in to, and can't access your browsing history. The token issuance server knows only that you passed the verification, and never learns information about your device or Apple ID. The only information given to the app or website is the private access token.

所以我觉得 Apple 更在意的是有没有办法合法地把锅甩给第三方服务,不能甩出去就推进隐私方案,并没觉得会是死局,这本来也是该领域面临的问题。
254 天前
回复了 jqknono 创建的主题 程序员 腾讯云开发者社区创作体验

容易被很多人认为是高质量的平台必然有相当的门槛,读者在某种程度上也会更苛刻,例如 https://lwn.net/op/AuthorGuide.lwn

> Please note that we are, as a general rule, not looking for "how to" articles; there are plenty of other outlets for such content on the net.
> LWN's readers tend to be highly educated and strongly technical in their outlook. Some of them are likely to be developers for the project you are writing about. Should you feel the urge to "dumb down" material, that urge should be resisted. LWN is not "Linux news for dummies;" our readers are most emphatically not "dummies." If you talk down to them, or tell only part of the story, they will call you on it.

254 天前
回复了 jqknono 创建的主题 OpenAI ChatGPT VPN 识别绕过方法
链式代理或者在 VPS 上加一个 warp ipv6 落地就可以了,warp ipv4 有时会频繁触发验证码。而且这个方案可以针对很多限制服务商 IP 的网站,例如楼上有人提到的 imgur 、reddit 。

你的方案对于 VPS 的 IP 有要求,可以说当初热门点的便宜 VPS 的 IP 都在黑名单(听说后来 ChatGPT 把一些服务商的 IP 段移出了黑名单),所以楼上大伙很多人在说用 warp 。

至于你提到的 UDP ,那是 QUIC 。也并不需要梯子支持 UDP ,你可以在浏览器设置里禁用 QUIC 或者干脆用代理工具、防火墙工具禁掉 UDP 443 的流量,它就会使用 TCP 的 HTTP/2 了。
https://pkg.go.dev/io 可以先过一遍这个
前段时间做个音频流相关的玩具,一开始用 mp3 ,最后还是换成了 ogg ,感觉 mp3 对编程太不友好了
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