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V2EX  ›  jiejianshiwa  ›  全部回复第 26 页 / 共 38 页
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299 天前
回复了 RickyLin7 创建的主题 Android 求推荐安卓直屏手机
Redmi note12 Turbo, it's a cheaper phone, but it's very well.
Please speak English, don't speak Chinese. This is the best method to learn English.
Freecodecamp in Youtube, please learning English courses, that's are good for you.
VPS, phone and computer are toy for programmer.
308 天前
回复了 louisxxx 创建的主题 English 世界最快的英语学习方法!
Please forget Chinese, you are gonna speak English.
314 天前
回复了 mayli 创建的主题 Android 求推荐适合国外使用的高性价比手机
Oneplus Ace 3v
Redmi K40 Poco F3
318 天前
回复了 ahz549467483 创建的主题 Android 骁龙 888 现在都卡了不能用了嘛
Replace the battery from Taobao, flashing the OxygenOS, The system language set to English, My Oneplus5 Snapdragon still smooth in 2024.
331 天前
回复了 xmdjdkx 创建的主题 VPS 有没有比较快,性价比高的非美国 vps 线路?
Atlantic VPS in Singapore
331 天前
回复了 xmdjdkx 创建的主题 VPS 有没有比较快,性价比高的非美国 vps 线路?
AWS Light sail, Atlantic.
331 天前
回复了 chengchengya 创建的主题 分享发现 谷歌也这样了?
Please use English to search.
335 天前
回复了 mynameisSimple 创建的主题 问与答 请问大家是如何看待收入与消费的
你和你女朋友說減少消費就不需要工作這麽辛苦了,減少消費就不需要拼命賺錢,工作就可以輕鬆許多。 不減少消費, 只能辛苦掙血漢錢。 比如我基本不消費, 我也不需要每天加班, 不擔心被裁員, 舒服躺平。
@anson264556364 Please set up you phone system language to English right now.
@anson264556364 After using the mobile phone interface for a long time, you can recognize the functions just by looking at the icons. If you really don’t know them, just Google them and remember them. After using them for a few months, you will naturally remember the English ones.
Why don't you speak English in your life? It's best way to improre your English, I speak English with my wifey anytime.
Why don't you speak English in your life? It's best way to improre your English? I speak English with my wifey anytime.
338 天前
回复了 lowkey1337 创建的主题 小米 如何看待红米 Turbo3,真香还是...
@sqzdy8 k40 Poco F3 再戰五年
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