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11 小时 32 分钟前
回复了 xuanwu 创建的主题 分享发现 《Rule-Based 编程的冒险》CLIPS 入门笔记
看这玩意第一反应是写文字冒险游戏的 ZIL 。。。
11 小时 35 分钟前
回复了 notifier 创建的主题 分享发现 惠州德赛电池发布员工劳动权益重申知情书
22 小时 56 分钟前
回复了 unii23i 创建的主题 生活 老哥们一般怎么缓解愤怒情绪呢?
BTW venting online (like what you are doing now) actually helps a bit, at least for me. You can even insult a bit here and remove the post later before someone notices.
22 小时 57 分钟前
回复了 unii23i 创建的主题 生活 老哥们一般怎么缓解愤怒情绪呢?
It's tough. I can't control it either. Maybe just stop doing things that cause anger and anxiety. I never play multiplayer games because of that. Why bother with something that you don't have total control with?

A good sleep and exercising actually don't help, at least they don't for me.

Find something else to do for fun. You want fun, not anxiety.

Oh, and don't get kids too early. You can't control kids so they are a big source of anxiety.
I don't play GBA games, but looks like there are too many Kirby games. Which one are you talking about?

Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
This one?
@cabing 不不不,不上班完全可以。事情可多了,不是上班才有事情。。。
@JoonSumisu #129
感觉 js/ts 成为世界上应用最广泛的语言之一,也是命运。说实话完全不喜欢前端开发。
2 天前
回复了 MrdotX 创建的主题 程序员 求助帖:想开发一个对讲机 App
只要是自己不关心的东西,统统交给 AI
2 天前
回复了 afkool 创建的主题 程序员 如果 go、node、c#学一个推荐哪个?
3 天前
回复了 lawrencelee 创建的主题 Python Python 小组作业,做个什么东西好呢?
NES emulator
3 天前
回复了 Foxalone 创建的主题 职场话题 深夜给前端气的不行.
@JoonSumisu #118

Inflation and rise of housing really decimated those who earned less than say 80k pre-tax these years. You can still get decent housing if you are willing to move out of the island but that means you need a remote or local job.
4 天前
回复了 oLUCKo 创建的主题 Android [请教] Android AOSP 工作站选择
@HtPM #9
4 天前
回复了 jackerbauer 创建的主题 生活 想问一个问题,你们为什么要二胎?
Some people just like kids, some (like me) just don't. That's normal.
@wensonsmith #26

Yup, just ask the driver to pull off the road and get out ASAP.
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