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V2EX 第 560467 号会员,加入于 2021-11-02 16:33:39 +08:00
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PotPlayer Codec Pack (OpenCodec)无法下载?
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回复了 shintendo 创建的主题 全球工单系统 网易云音乐好像炸了?
心血来潮重新装了 app ,登录不了,反复 502
Thanks for this @RyokuY! This works also! For those more comfortable with a gui, you can do this with the registry editor too with the same paths as the command prompt. Regedit-> then Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Bluetooth\Audio\Hfp\AudioGateway


Set both Enabled = 0

As always, be very careful when modifying the registry (do a backup first if you feel the need)
Permanently Disabling Hands-Free Telephony in Windows 11
Understanding the Issue:

Hands-Free Telephony (HFT) is a feature that allows your computer to function as a hands-free phone. While useful for some, it can cause audio issues for others, especially when using Bluetooth headsets.

Potential Solutions:

Method 1: Disabling the Hands-Free Device
Access Device Manager:
Press Win + X and select "Device Manager."
Locate the Hands-Free Device:
Expand "Bluetooth" or "Audio inputs and outputs." Look for a device with "Hands-free AG" in its name.
Disable the Device:
Right-click on the device and select "Disable device."
Method 2: Disabling the Bluetooth Audio Gateway Service
Access Services:
Press Win + R, type "services.msc," and press Enter.
Find the Service:
Locate "Bluetooth Audio Gateway Service" in the list.
Disable the Service:
Right-click on the service and select "Properties."
Change the startup type to "Disabled."
Method 3: Modifying Registry (Advanced Users):
Caution: Incorrect registry modifications can lead to system instability. Proceed with caution and create a system restore point before making changes.

Access Registry Editor:
Press Win + R, type "regedit," and press Enter.
Navigate to the Key:
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BthA2dp.
Create or Modify Value:
Create a new DWORD (32-bit) value named "DisableHandsfree" or modify its existing value to 1.
Exit Registry Editor:
Close Registry Editor.
Additional Tips:
Check for Updates: Ensure your audio drivers and Windows are up-to-date.
Uninstall and Reinstall Bluetooth Drivers: If issues persist, try uninstalling and reinstalling your Bluetooth drivers.
Third-Party Audio Software: Some audio software might interfere with HFT. Try disabling or uninstalling them temporarily.
Important Note:

While these methods have been reported to work for many users, there's no guaranteed permanent solution. Some users have reported the issue recurring after updates or system changes.

By combining these approaches, you can significantly reduce the chances of HFT re-enabling and improve your audio experience.

Would you like to try any of these methods?
190 天前
回复了 LBLK 创建的主题 全球工单系统 bing 被封了
@crocoBaby 请问 chrome 快捷键有没有能定位到网页第一个输入框的快捷键?
223 天前
回复了 Inzufu 创建的主题 Android 安卓上有支持 SMB 协议的文件管理器推荐吗
@darksheen 这个就是文件管理器+吧?
223 天前
回复了 Inzufu 创建的主题 Android 安卓上有支持 SMB 协议的文件管理器推荐吗
@yangwcool 也在用它。
@VforGeek CHD 有邀请吗?馒头的邀请换一个?
@clocean 是这个理
@kldd529 这个论坛没有引用 ccsulzf0627 发的原文是啥,我特地搜了一下看看他说的啥。然后哈哈😄!
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