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V2EX 第 59981 号会员,加入于 2014-04-09 11:21:10 +08:00
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longyueli 最近回复了
@zwpaper 我将那个 ACM Digital Library - Don't Renew Without it!选项 remove 后以$25 (约 170RMB )续费成功了,你也可以试试。
2020-12-28 14:58:30 +08:00
回复了 morize 创建的主题 问与答 请问续费 ACM 得 Orelly 的最佳姿势?
@morize 感谢回复,我将那个选项 remove 后以$25 (约 170RMB )续费成功了,谢谢!
2020-12-28 14:33:44 +08:00
回复了 morize 创建的主题 问与答 请问续费 ACM 得 Orelly 的最佳姿势?
@sidkang 感谢回复,谢谢!
2020-12-27 17:12:33 +08:00
回复了 morize 创建的主题 问与答 请问续费 ACM 得 Orelly 的最佳姿势?
@morize @sidkang 到期前 3 个月会出现 renew 按钮,但是续费里有一个问题是

ACM Digital Library - Don't Renew Without it!

99 刀。。。

2020-07-14 12:55:45 +08:00
回复了 fredshao 创建的主题 程序员 买了 ACM 的会员,可以看 Oreilly 的所有书籍和视频,真香
Effective Monday, June 15, 2020, O'Reilly Media will no longer offer the following learning formats through ACM's O'Reilly Learning Collection:

Live Online Training
Katacoda Scenarios
Jupyter Notebooks
All books, recorded videos (including O'Reilly conference/Superstream events), and learning paths will remain accessible to ACM Members. If you are currently using content from any of the categories above, make sure to complete your training by Sunday, June 14.

-ACM Learning Center
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