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com 域名 9 月 1 号就要开始涨价了

  •   litesoar · 2021-08-08 19:50:36 +08:00 · 361 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1141 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    收到了 NameSilo 的邮件,com 域名 9 月 1 日涨价 1 美元左右。不过在这之前,还可以原价购买或续费...

    The registry, Verisign, will be increasing prices for .COM domains starting on September 1, 2021. This means that unfortunately, NameSilo will need to do the same. We are contacting you because you have active or expired .COM domain(s) in your account.
    There is still time to take advantage of the current lower prices by renewing your current domains and registering any new .COM names before September 1.
    New Prices - our new prices for .COM domain(s) will be as follows:
    Current price - $8.99 USD/domain
    New price - $9.95 USD/domain
    Current price - $8.99 USD/year
    New price - $9.95 USD/year
    Current price - $8.39 USD/domain
    New price - $8.99 USD/domain
    Mitigation: we are advising you renew all the .COM domain(s) you wish to keep before September 1st in order to renew at the current prices.
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