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macOS Bug Sir 11.5.1 外接 eGPU 休眠的时候 crash

  •   AkideLiu · 2021-08-02 14:11:23 +08:00 · 1660 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1178 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    最近打开电脑发现总需要从新开机,索性看了一下 log 。




    下面是 crash report

    panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff80023d51f7): "ATY,RadeonFramebuffer::setPowerState(0xffffffa04cfbc000 : 0xffffff7f9cb4dc1c, 2 -> 0) timed out after 45903 ms"@/System/Volumes/Data/SWE/macOS/BuildRoots/d7e177bcf5/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-7195.141.2/iokit/Kernel/IOServicePM.cpp:5382
    Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffffa14228bac0 : 0xffffff8001c8e04d 
    0xffffffa14228bb10 : 0xffffff8001dd4e13 
    0xffffffa14228bb50 : 0xffffff8001dc540a 
    0xffffffa14228bba0 : 0xffffff8001c32a2f 
    0xffffffa14228bbc0 : 0xffffff8001c8d86d 
    0xffffffa14228bce0 : 0xffffff8001c8db63 
    0xffffffa14228bd50 : 0xffffff800249dc0a 
    0xffffffa14228bdc0 : 0xffffff80023d51f7 
    0xffffffa14228be10 : 0xffffff80023d4b19 
    0xffffffa14228be20 : 0xffffff80023edc5e 
    0xffffffa14228be60 : 0xffffff80023d3898 
    0xffffffa14228be80 : 0xffffff8001cd4605 
    0xffffffa14228bef0 : 0xffffff8001cd5574 
    0xffffffa14228bfa0 : 0xffffff8001c3213e 
    Process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 20.6.0: Wed Jun 23 00:26:31 PDT 2021; root:xnu-7195.141.2~5/RELEASE_X86_64
    Kernel UUID: FECBF22B-FBBE-36DE-9664-F12A7DD41D3D
    KernelCache slide: 0x0000000001a00000
    KernelCache base:  0xffffff8001c00000
    Kernel slide:      0x0000000001a10000
    Kernel text base:  0xffffff8001c10000
    __HIB  text base: 0xffffff8001b00000
    System model name: MacBookPro16,1 (Mac-E1008331FDC96864)
    System shutdown begun: NO
    Hibernation exit count: 0
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 87040380194730
    Last Sleep:           absolute           base_tsc          base_nano
      Uptime  : 0x00004f29aaf15aa1
      Sleep   : 0x00004f0eda0952e8 0x00013f772383b110 0x00004f0240c03d98
      Wake    : 0x00004f0f0c399577 0x00013f967e2074fa 0x00004f0eeb787297
    last started kext at 4922671134891: >!UAudio	405.39 (addr 0xffffff7f9c7ac000, size 315392)
    last stopped kext at 25547599047: com.cisco.kext.acsock	4.8.0 (addr 0xffffff7f9e777000, size 192512)
    loaded kexts:
    com.intel.driver.EnergyDriver	3.6.1
    @filesystems.smbfs	3.6
    >AudioAUUC	1.70
    >!APlatformEnabler	2.7.0d0
    >AGPM	122.1
    >X86PlatformShim	1.0.0
    @filesystems.autofs	3.0
    @fileutil	20.036.15
    >!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver	4050.1
    >!AHIDALSService	1
    @kext.AMDRadeonX6000	4.0.6
    @kext.AMDRadeonServiceManager	4.0.6
    >!AGraphicsDevicePolicy	6.3.5
    >!AUpstreamUserClient	3.6.8
    @AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics	6.3.5
    >pmtelemetry	1
    |IOUserEthernet	1.0.1
    >usb.!UUserHCI	1
    |IO!BSerialManager	8.0.5d7
    @Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X	7.0.0
    >AGDCBacklightControl	6.3.5
    >BridgeAudioCommunication	140.4
    >!AAVEBridge	6.1
    >!ABacklight	180.3
    >!AHV	1
    >!ADiskImages2	1
    >!AMCCSControl	1.14
    >!AThunderboltIP	4.0.3
    >!A!IKBLGraphics	16.0.5
    >!AMuxControl2	6.3.5
    >!AGFXHDA	100.1.433
    >!AFIVRDriver	4.1.0
    >ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin	1.0.0
    >!A!IPCHPMC	2.0.1
    >!A!ICFLGraphicsFramebuffer	16.0.5
    >!ABridgeAudio!C	140.4
    >!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking	4.0.0
    >BCMWLANFirmware4378.Hashstore	1
    >BCMWLANFirmware4377.Hashstore	1
    >BCMWLANFirmware4364.Hashstore	1
    >BCMWLANFirmware4355.Hashstore	1
    >!AFileSystemDriver	3.0.1
    @filesystems.tmpfs	1
    @filesystems.hfs.kext	556.100.11
    @BootCache	40
    @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib	1.0.0
    @!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless	1.0.0d1
    >!ABCMWLANBusInterfacePCIeMac	1
    @filesystems.apfs	1677.141.1
    @private.KextAudit	1.0
    >!ASmartBatteryManager	161.0.0
    >!AACPIButtons	6.1
    >!ASMBIOS	2.1
    >!AACPIEC	6.1
    >!AAPIC	1.7
    @!ASystemPolicy	2.0.0
    @nke.applicationfirewall	311
    |IOKitRegistryCompatibility	1
    |EndpointSecurity	1
    >!UAudio	405.39
    @kext.AMDRadeonX6000HWLibs	1.0
    @kext.triggers	1.0
    >!AHIDKeyboard	224
    >!AHS!BDriver	4050.1
    >IO!BHIDDriver	8.0.5d7
    >!AActuatorDriver	4440.3
    >!AMultitouchDriver	4440.3
    >!AInputDeviceSupport	4400.35
    @kext.AMDRadeonX6100HWLibs	1.0
    @kext.AMDRadeonX6000HWServices	4.0.6
    |IO!BHost!CUARTTransport	8.0.5d7
    |IO!BHost!CTransport	8.0.5d7
    |IOAVB!F	940.4
    |IOEthernetAVB!C	1.1.0
    >!ABacklightExpert	1.1.0
    >!A!ILpssUARTv1	3.0.60
    >!A!ILpssUARTCommon	3.0.60
    >!AOnboardSerial	1.0
    >!ASMBus!C	1.0.18d1
    >!AThunderboltEDMSink	5.0.3
    >!AThunderboltDPOutAdapter	8.1.4
    @kext.AMDRadeonX6000Framebuffer	4.0.6
    @kext.AMDSupport	4.0.6
    @plugin.IOgPTPPlugin	985.2
    >!ASMBusPCI	1.0.14d1
    >!AGraphicsControl	6.3.5
    |IONDRVSupport	585.1
    >IOPlatformPluginLegacy	1.0.0
    >X86PlatformPlugin	1.0.0
    >IOPlatformPlugin!F	6.0.0d8
    |IOAccelerator!F2	442.9
    >!AHDA!C	283.15
    |IOHDA!F	283.15
    |IOAudio!F	300.6.1
    @vecLib.kext	1.2.0
    @!AGPUWrangler	6.3.5
    @!AGraphicsDeviceControl	6.3.5
    |IOGraphics!F	585.1
    |IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F	1.0.0
    >usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice	1.2
    >usb.cdc.ecm	5.0.0
    >usb.cdc.ncm	5.0.0
    >usb.cdc	5.0.0
    >usb.networking	5.0.0
    >usb.!UHostCompositeDevice	1.2
    >!AThunderboltPCIUpAdapter	4.1.1
    >!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter	4.1.1
    >!AThunderboltDPInAdapter	8.1.4
    >!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F	8.1.4
    >!AHPM	3.4.4
    >!A!ILpssI2C!C	3.0.60
    >!A!ILpssI2C	3.0.60
    >!A!ILpssDmac	3.0.60
    >!ABSDKextStarter	3
    |IOSurface	290.8.1
    @filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext	1
    >!ABCMWLANCoreMac	1.0.0
    |IOSerial!F	11
    |IO80211!FV2	1200.12.2b1
    |IOSkywalk!F	1
    >mDNSOffloadUserClient	1.0.1b8
    >IOImageLoader	1.0.0
    >corecapture	1.0.4
    >!AXsanScheme	3
    >usb.!UVHCIBCE	1.2
    >usb.!UVHCICommonBCE	1.0
    >usb.!UVHCI	1.2
    >usb.!UVHCICommon	1.0
    >!AEffaceableNOR	1.0
    |IOBufferCopy!C	1.1.0
    |IOBufferCopyEngine!F	1
    |IONVMe!F	2.1.0
    >!AThunderboltNHI	7.2.8
    |IOThunderbolt!F	9.3.2
    >usb.!UXHCIPCI	1.2
    >usb.!UXHCI	1.2
    >usb.!UHostPacketFilter	1.0
    |IOUSB!F	900.4.2
    >!AEFINVRAM	2.1
    >!AEFIRuntime	2.1
    >!ASMCRTC	1.0
    |IOSMBus!F	1.1
    |IOHID!F	2.0.0
    $!AImage4	3.0.0
    |IOTimeSync!F	985.2
    |IONetworking!F	3.4
    >DiskImages	493.0.0
    |IO!B!F	8.0.5d7
    |IOReport!F	47
    |IO!BPacketLogger	8.0.5d7
    $quarantine	4
    $sandbox	300.0
    @kext.!AMatch	1.0.0d1
    |CoreAnalytics!F	1
    >!ASSE	1.0
    >!AKeyStore	2
    >!UTDM	511.141.1
    |IOUSBMass!SDriver	184.140.2
    |IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice	436.140.1
    |IO!S!F	2.1
    |IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F	436.140.1
    >!AMobileFileIntegrity	1.0.5
    @kext.CoreTrust	1
    >!AFDEKeyStore	28.30
    >!AEffaceable!S	1.0
    >!ACredentialManager	1.0
    >KernelRelayHost	1
    |IOUSBHost!F	1.2
    >!UHostMergeProperties	1.2
    >usb.!UCommon	1.0
    >!ABusPower!C	1.0
    >!ASEPManager	1.0.1
    >IOSlaveProcessor	1
    >!AACPIPlatform	6.1
    >!ASMC	3.1.9
    |IOPCI!F	2.9
    |IOACPI!F	1.4
    >watchdog	1
    @kec.pthread	1
    @kec.corecrypto	11.1
    @kec.Libm	1
    4 条回复    2021-08-16 18:57:24 +08:00
       2021-08-02 14:18:12 +08:00
    我的 mbp 2018 买来就经常因为 T2 crash,索性直接关闭了休眠,哪怕现在 eGPU 也没有再用过休眠
       2021-08-02 16:08:07 +08:00
       2021-08-03 09:13:23 +08:00
    我之前插 HP 的 Thunderbolt dock 也会死机,所以没用了。
       2021-08-16 18:57:24 +08:00
    我也遇到了。之前 macOS 11.4 就没这个问题。
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