geelaw 2019-06-28 17:36:27 +08:00 via iPhone 1
Bcc 的标准只需要确保 To 和 Cc 的副本看不到 Bcc 的内容,并不是所有软件都会把 Bcc 的副本中的 Bcc 删除。
我觉得最佳发件软件应该把每个 Bcc 的 copy 的 Bcc line 删除到只剩下该 copy 的收件人自己,这样既有隐私也可以减少误判为垃圾邮件。 最安全的方法是用 Mail Merge 产生多封邮件。 |
geelaw 2019-06-28 17:41:15 +08:00 via iPhone 1
具体见 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc733
3. Receiver Fields [...] b. [sic] Bcc This field contains the identity of additional recipients of the message. The contents of this field are not included in copies of the message sent to the primary and secondary recipients. Some systems may choose to include the text of the "Bcc" field only in the author(s)'s copy, while others may also include it in the text sent to all those indicated in the "Bcc" list. |
snw 2020-02-16 16:42:38 +08:00
我试了一下用 Win10 自带的 Mail 发给 Gmail/QQ/Live,看收到的邮件源文都没有 BCC 这行,可能发件时就被删除了。 |