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9 月 29 日 An Introduction to MeteorJS

  •   AgoraSpace · 2015-09-28 17:33:54 +08:00 · 1551 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3298 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    If you are a Javascript developer, you very likely have heard about Meteor, the rising star in the Javascript framework universe. If you ’ re still unsure what ’ s the fuss about it and why you should care, or if you ’ ve never heard of it but think the name sounds cool, join us for this Meteor introduction talk.
    如果你是一名 Javascript 开发人员,你很可能听说过 Meteor — Javascript 框架世界的明日之星,如果你不确定它的重要性,或者你未曾听说过它但认为它的名字很有趣,那么快来加入我们吧!

    In the first part, we will introduce the framework, its main concepts, and its benefits. Whether you ’ re a developer or not, you ’ ll have a cool new topic to discuss next time you talk about the future of web application development.

    In the second part, we will take off and code a real time chat application together. This part is for all kinds of developers who have at least a basic understanding of Javascript, HTML and CSS. You can passively follow the coding live, but we recommend you bring your own laptop to get yours hand dirty and jump onboard our travel through reactivity, atmosphere, DDP land, spacebars, and other meteorites.
    第二部分:我们将会一起谈论应用程序,这个部分适用于了解 Javascript, HTML 和 CSS 基本知识的开发人员。你可以被动地按照译码编程,都是我们建议你带你自己的手提电脑来运用你的双手参与 Meteors !

    After that, we hope you ’ ll be fully motivated to join our space fleet for the coming worldwide Meteor hackathon on October 9-10.
    希望你能积极的加入我们—世界性的 Meteor 黑客马拉松在 10 月 9-10 日。

    About the speaker

    Julien Choulet has more than 10 years experience leading B2B web projects for large
    multinational companies as well as SMEs. He believes that hybrid applications are the answer to increasing enterprise mobile application needs. Last year, after evaluating the best frameworks available, he decided to bet on Meteor to build V1 of ePlankton, a French funded startup. The results have been amazing and Julien believes Meteor could very well be the leading platform for the future of hybrid application development.
    Julien Choulet 有着超过 10 年为像 SMEs 这样的巨型跨国公司引领 B2B 网络工程的工作经验,他相信混合的应用程序能够增加企业移动应用的需求。去年,在评估最有效的结构之后,他决定创立 Meteor,一家法国创业公司。结果很让人吃惊并且 Julien 相信 Meteor 能够很好的引领混合应用程序开发的未来。

    09/29/2015, at 07:00PM

    The Agora Space 1199 Panyu Road, Building 3, Unit 101, Shanghai.
    上海市徐汇区番禺路 1199 弄 3 号楼 101 室

    [email protected]
    0 (21) 6054 8081

       2015-09-28 17:34:06 +08:00
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