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Write in go 文字版

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  •   njutree · 2014-12-23 11:35:00 +08:00 · 3119 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3587 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJvEIjRBSDA&feature=youtu.be

    <Write in GO> I'll rewrite it all
    The schedule's tight on the cluseter tonight so parallelized my code
    all those threads and continuations my head's going to explode
    and all that boilerplate that FactoryBuilderAdapterDelegateImpl doesn't exsit anymore
    seams unjustified give me something simple
    don't write in scheme
    don't write in c
    no more pointers that i forgot to free()
    java's verbose python's too slow
    it's time you know
    write in GO!
    write in GO!
    no inheritance anymore
    write in GO!
    write in GO!
    there's no do or while just for
    i dont'care what your linters say i've got tools for that
    the code never botherd me anway
    it's funny how some features make every change seem small
    And the errors that once slowed me don't get down at all
    it's time to see what GO can do cause it seams too good to be true
    no long compile times for i'm free
    write in GO!
    write in GO!
    kiss your pointer math goodbye
    write in GO!
    write in GO!
    time to give GC a try
    i don't cate if my structures stay on the heap or stack
    my program spawns its goroutines without a sound
    control is spiraling through buffered channels all around
    i don't remeber why i erver once subclassed
    i'm never going back
    my tests all build and pass
    write in GO!
    write in GO!
    you won't use eclipse anymore
    write in GO!
    write in GO!
    who cares what boost is for
    i don't care what the tech leads say
    i'll rewrite it all
    writing code nenver botherd me anyway

    1 条回复    2014-12-23 13:16:56 +08:00
       2014-12-23 13:16:56 +08:00
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