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V2EX  ›  sztimhdd  ›  全部回复第 17 页 / 共 21 页
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2015-05-19 02:16:07 +08:00
回复了 liuzhen 创建的主题 求职 还是想去帝都, Java 后台。目标靠谱创业公司
@liuzhen 收到!安安~
2015-05-19 02:15:40 +08:00
回复了 cinwell 创建的主题 求职 应届生 前端 求职,坐标广州/深圳,期望薪资 8k
@loveuqian 这两件事情跟能力和薪资没有必然关系吧
2015-05-19 01:56:36 +08:00
回复了 liuzhen 创建的主题 求职 还是想去帝都, Java 后台。目标靠谱创业公司
@liuzhen 邮件已收到 好像发错了 没有看到你写的 还是空白的题目
2015-05-19 01:53:39 +08:00
回复了 liuzhen 创建的主题 求职 还是想去帝都, Java 后台。目标靠谱创业公司
@liuzhen 好的 祝能不断成长 向自己的目标迈进!保持联络 以后一定有机会一起做点有意义的事情!
2015-05-19 01:43:15 +08:00
回复了 cinwell 创建的主题 求职 应届生 前端 求职,坐标广州/深圳,期望薪资 8k
@Xs0ul 额 貌似是这样的 @_@
2015-05-19 00:17:29 +08:00
回复了 cinwell 创建的主题 求职 应届生 前端 求职,坐标广州/深圳,期望薪资 8k
小伙 看你骨骼精奇,又是WOW玩家,不如考虑来我大奥格一起撸企业级市场如何?



2015-05-18 16:59:36 +08:00
回复了 liuzhen 创建的主题 求职 还是想去帝都, Java 后台。目标靠谱创业公司
@liuzhen 对期权的理解同感,强烈共鸣Paul大写的这一段:

Economically, you can think of a startup as a way to compress your whole working life into a few years. Instead of working at a low intensity for forty years, you work as hard as you possibly can for four. This pays especially well in technology, where you earn a premium for working fast.

Here is a brief sketch of the economic proposition. If you're a good hacker in your mid twenties, you can get a job paying about $80,000 per year. So on average such a hacker must be able to do at least $80,000 worth of work per year for the company just to break even. You could probably work twice as many hours as a corporate employee, and if you focus you can probably get three times as much done in an hour. [1] You should get another multiple of two, at least, by eliminating the drag of the pointy-haired middle manager who would be your boss in a big company. Then there is one more multiple: how much smarter are you than your job description expects you to be? Suppose another multiple of three. Combine all these multipliers, and I'm claiming you could be 36 times more productive than you're expected to be in a random corporate job. [2] If a fairly good hacker is worth $80,000 a year at a big company, then a smart hacker working very hard without any corporate bullshit to slow him down should be able to do work worth about $3 million a year.

-- Paul Graham "How to Make Wealth"

2015-05-18 16:46:00 +08:00
回复了 liuzhen 创建的主题 求职 还是想去帝都, Java 后台。目标靠谱创业公司
@liuzhen no pressure, have fun ^___^
2015-05-18 16:38:35 +08:00
回复了 liuzhen 创建的主题 求职 还是想去帝都, Java 后台。目标靠谱创业公司
前后端面试题都已public shared 欢迎大家一起改进
2015-05-18 16:30:11 +08:00
回复了 liuzhen 创建的主题 求职 还是想去帝都, Java 后台。目标靠谱创业公司
@liuzhen 没关系 题目是死的 解决问题的思路是活的 都是open question 大家一起讨论吧
2015-05-18 15:54:28 +08:00
回复了 zhonghua 创建的主题 职场话题 V2 里的招聘信息,拼的都是哪些?
2015-05-18 15:38:25 +08:00
回复了 liuzhen 创建的主题 求职 还是想去帝都, Java 后台。目标靠谱创业公司
@liuzhen 已经授权,还同时授权了其他感兴趣的V2exer
2015-05-18 14:48:46 +08:00
回复了 liuzhen 创建的主题 求职 还是想去帝都, Java 后台。目标靠谱创业公司
补上后端的,暂时只有比较老旧中文试题,见谅: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EPP685xui92RqHTDbmrWwkaoPw15xChmJK18Qz35w-0/edit
2015-05-18 14:43:16 +08:00
回复了 liuzhen 创建的主题 求职 还是想去帝都, Java 后台。目标靠谱创业公司
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gTsLlCyZ6CbloWpV_c77XCsb-HouK7kXT1yCZJixQgc/[email protected]&actionButton=1
2015-05-17 13:03:18 +08:00
回复了 angkec 创建的主题 酷工作 小 SaaS 公司在中国招 full stack,求支招
20K 可以做个seed轮了 我们就在硅谷 认识不少angel和seed 有兴趣加个fb聊聊
2015-05-17 10:55:39 +08:00
回复了 angkec 创建的主题 酷工作 小 SaaS 公司在中国招 full stack,求支招
已授权~ ^______________^
看楼主骨骼清奇,是练IO.js走全栈路线的好底子,不如来试试我们吧,企业级创业团队,北京、南京、硅谷均可,出国读书不是问题,全球化协作团队,回来继续撸,详见: http://www.v2ex.com/t/166173#reply27

有信心的来撸一发前端试题吧: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gTsLlCyZ6CbloWpV_c77XCsb-HouK7kXT1yCZJixQgc&authuser=2

PS: PDF放大了有锯齿,莫不是M$ WORD出品的?
2015-05-14 11:26:06 +08:00
回复了 qinfenglei 创建的主题 求职 前端开发求职
@Panic 我请他本人来回答吧 ^___*
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