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V2EX 第 1144 号会员,加入于 2010-08-20 19:47:45 +08:00
All that world is weighing down on me, you don't even know where it comes to an end, and aren't you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of living it?

I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern. You played out your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite. I learned to live that way.

Land? Land is a ship too big for me. It's a woman too beautiful; it's a voyage too long, a perfume too strong. It's a music I don't know how to make. I could never get off this ship. At best, I can step off my life. After all, I don't exist for anyone. You're an exception, Max, you're the only one who knows I'm here. You're a minority, and you better get used to it. Forgive me, my friend, but I'm not getting off.
[习作] 迫于二手区遍地闲鱼口令 ... 写了个方便 PC 端用户的小工具 ...
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    分享创造  •  Sunyanzi  •  2020-10-28 03:55:50 AM  •  最后回复来自 Sunyanzi
    [习作] SpringBoot + MyBatis 实现的预排序遍历树算法无限级分类 ...
    分享创造  •  Sunyanzi  •  2019-12-17 15:00:15 PM  •  最后回复来自 nobt
    [习作] TOK4.COM 属于每个人的互联网匿名分享 ...
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    分享创造  •  Sunyanzi  •  2019-12-08 20:33:29 PM  •  最后回复来自 charlie21
    推妹图 ... 献给孤独者的新年礼物 ...
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    分享创造  •  Sunyanzi  •  2018-11-15 21:44:55 PM  •  最后回复来自 livnimasileid
    可能是世界上最小的导航网站 ...
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    分享创造  •  Sunyanzi  •  2015-05-22 09:24:15 AM  •  最后回复来自 for8ever
    薛涛笺 ... 一个极简的 Jekyll 中国风主题 ...
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    分享创造  •  Sunyanzi  •  2015-05-09 17:17:09 PM  •  最后回复来自 Sunyanzi
    好像不自觉就写了难以维护的代码 ...
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    PHP  •  Sunyanzi  •  2014-12-04 04:31:21 AM  •  最后回复来自 Sunyanzi
    正则大挑战 ... 击破你对自己正则能力的自信 ...
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    正则表达式  •  Sunyanzi  •  2014-11-23 20:19:48 PM  •  最后回复来自 P233
    16 ... 一个简单的临时邮件服务 ...
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    分享创造  •  Sunyanzi  •  2017-01-27 16:27:11 PM  •  最后回复来自 Fulminit
    Yet Another 2048 ... 程序员版 ...
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    分享创造  •  Sunyanzi  •  2015-08-18 18:14:56 PM  •  最后回复来自 yxzblue
    Sunyanzi 最近回复了
    249 天前
    回复了 hywYYY 创建的主题 奇思妙想 闲着无聊,写了一个咕咕语翻译器
    @shakoon 啊抱歉我刚看到 ... 所以这是一个时隔两年的回复 ...

    火星文一代的源码应该还在我某个久远的存储里面放着 ... 确实是太早了 ... 不确定还能不能找到 ...

    如果是某个重要的信息被加密了 ... 我可以再去翻翻 ... 需要点时间 ... 但无论如何也不会让消息丢失 ...

    当然如果只是单纯的怀念这个样式 ... 我重写一份就好 ... 毕竟自己原创的东西重新实现一遍也不难 ...

    只是原始的 Key 和 Map 我肯定是不记得了 ... 只能做到重制的这个版本看上去和过去完全一致 ...

    包括界面一致 ... 生成的密文样式也一致 ... 只是拿过去的密文来这个新版本解密一定是解不出来的 ...

    需要哪种可以跟我说 ... 另外 ... 我确实没想到时至今日还有人能记得我曾经的作品 ... 真的十分感谢 ...
    2021-04-09 22:26:52 +08:00
    回复了 mclarenCL 创建的主题 计算机 想问一问在哪个方向发展比较有优势。
    JavaScript + Vue 一把梭 ... 现在我目光所及的范围里这个组合只会越来越缺人 ...
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