V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[远程工作] 招聘区块链工程师 薪资视能力而定 待遇从优

  •   Nevil1 · 326 天前 · 958 次点击
    这是一个创建于 326 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    5+ years building scalable, high-performance backend systems.
    Deep understanding of software engineering best-practices and architectures.
    In-depth hands-on experience designing decentralized applications and protocols (asymmetric cryptography, hashing algorithms, Merkle trees, peer-to-peer networking, consensus mechanisms, token economics, and smart contracts).
    Strong written and verbal communication skills, ability to debate complex technical tradeoffs, and debug complicated issues across protocol layers with globally distributed engineering teams.
    Experience with machine learning platforms - knowledge of ML models, pipelines, MLOps tools or a strong desire to learn these technologies.
    Startup or early-stage company experience showing scrappiness, resilience, and comfort with ambiguity.
    Hands-on experience with zkRollups, Optimistic Rollups, trusted execution environments (TEEs), cross-chain bridges.
    Collaborate on high-level architecture and protocols for a novel AI/blockchain system.
    Research and evaluate technology options for key components like on-chain coordination, storage, and secure compute.
    Design core system functionality end-to-end, documenting in technical specifications and whitepaper.
    Implement smart contract logic and off-chain components required for minimum viable product.
    Work closely with founding team to iteratively refine architecture and roadmap based on learnings.

    待遇从优 欢迎联系
    有合适联系我 wechat:NTAzMTE4NjE3
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