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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[北京 or 上海] [NVIDIA 英伟达] [深度学习基础架构 devops]

  •   zoe1016aaa · 347 天前 · 1131 次点击
    这是一个创建于 347 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。



    简历投递邮箱[email protected]

    详情咨询-可以加微信 18867144803

    JD 如下

    We are now looking for a Deep Learning Infrastructure Engineer!

    NVIDIA's Deep Learning Libraries Group is seeking excellent software engineers to enable the next wave of NVIDIA’s highest performing deep learning libraries. The role spans multiple products, including TensorRT and cuDNN. The mission is to design and develop scalable, modular infrastructure that streamlines development, build, and test across NVIDIA’s diverse set of platforms, from Drive AGX for autonomous vehicles to DGX servers for datacenters and large language models. Join our technically diverse team of software engineers and infrastructure experts to design the systems that enable NVIDIA to stay ahead of the competition as we deliver the world's fastest deep learning platforms.

    [ What you'll be doing:]

    Designing and developing software for testing and analysis of our codebases

    Building scalable automation for build, test, integration, and release processes for publicly distributed deep learning libraries

    Developing throughout the software stack, from the user experience down to the cluster and database layers

    Configuring, maintaining, and building upon deployments of industry-standard tools (e.g., Kubernetes, Jenkins, Docker, CMake, Gitlab, Jira, etc)

    Advancing state of the art in those industry-standard tools

    [ What we need to see:]

    BS or equivalent experience or higher degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering

    2+ years of relevant experience

    Strong programming skills in Python (or similar) and familiarity with C/C++ development

    Experience setting up, maintaining, and automating continuous integration systems

    Fluency in SCM (e.g., Git) and build systems (e.g., Make, CMake, Bazel)

    A pragmatic approach to solving problems and collaboration

    Passion for “it just works” automation and enabling team members

    [ Ways to stand out from the crowd:]

    Background with designing and developing automation in Jenkins/Kubernetes with Groovy (or similar)

    Experience designing and developing unit and integration test frameworks

    Hands-on experience with code coverage and static code analysis tools

    Experience with mobile/embedded platforms and multiple operating systems (Ubuntu, RedHat, Windows, QNX, L4T, or similar)

    Track record of identifying useful new technologies and incorporating them into SW development flows

    [英伟达更多福利] :

    1 、超长陪产假:男性员工 12 周全薪陪产假,女性员工 22 周全薪产假

    2 、健康保障项目:补充商业保险、年度体检、员工关爱计划、斯坦福医学健康领航计划、商务旅行保险等

    3 、内购商店 Gear Store:每年度享有 800 积分购买 NVIDIA 内部定制礼品

    4 、海量学习平台:NV Learn 、Linkedin Learning 、ACE&IEEE 、Coursera 、EdX 、Udemy 等平台涵盖深度学习、专业技能培训、管理培训等课程资源

    5 、ESPP 员工购股计划

    4 条回复    2023-11-10 15:28:30 +08:00
       346 天前
    看投递的邮箱是 xiaozhao ,是可以应届生投递吗?
       346 天前
    @Clannad0708 这是社招岗位,xiaozhao 是我的名字,如果是校招邮箱,应该也是 campus 开头的。
       345 天前
    @zoe1016aaa hh 好的
       345 天前
    and familiarity with C/C++ 改成 or 该多好 T_T
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