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[英伟达] [C++开发工程师] [上海、北京]

  •   zoe1016aaa · 361 天前 · 963 次点击
    这是一个创建于 361 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    GPU Development Tools Engineer

    岗位可以 base 北京或者上海

    可以发送简历到邮箱[email protected]


    As a member of the software development team, you will engineer and improve the core infrastructure for execution, automation, and debugging the development of large-scale, general-purpose graphics and computing chips. This infrastructure enables our driver stack, applications, tests, and studies to run unchanged on all functional, diagnostic, and performance models.

    [ What you’ll be doing:]

    This role will require you to play a critical part in every stage of development of a GPU!

    Improve the daily workflows of the world’s top chip modelers and designers to help produce the next greatest generation of GPUs.

    Empower GPU architects to understand application performance today and model competition-destroying performance for tomorrow.

    Coordinate with architecture and software teams to enable functional and performance testing for the next architecture.

    [ What we need to see:]

    Bachelor's or higher degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or equivalent experience

    5+ yrs of experience

    Strong C++, or Java and JavaScript programming capability

    Aptitude to work across the GPU, driver, and application stacks

    Some familiarity with a scripting language, such as Python

    Excellent interpersonal skills

    Flexibility for working in an evolving environment with different frameworks and requirements

    [ Ways to stand out from the crowd:]

    Know-how working on operating system kernels or writing device drivers with strong systems-level debugging skills

    A knowledge of GPU APIs such as DirectX, CUDA, Vulkan or OpenGL

    Experience with chip and/or system simulation

    Experience in performance analysis of sophisticated systems

    Deep understanding of systems architecture: CPU, GPU, memory, display, buses, kernel internals would be helpful

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