这是一个创建于 546 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
Buy web shells for websites indexed on Google at high prices
For long-term acquisitions, the more the better
Requires .edu .gov or high DA first-hand webshell
Enterprise station/independent station
- The included index has not been tampered with by hackers
The homepage must be indexed by Google
- home dir green can edit/upload/delete/rename/index without blanks/
Price range:
DA41-50 $31-40
DA51-60 $41-80
DA61-70 $81-100
DA71-80 $101-140
DA81-90 $141-200
contact me/telegram:sologenic2023
HNIOP 2023-09-09 23:35:17 +08:00
只要海外站点-要求 .edu .gov 或高 DA 一手 webshell *教育/政府* *组织/com* 企业站/独立站 - 收录索引未被黑客篡改过的 首页必须谷歌索引收录 - home dir green 可以编辑/上传/删除/重命名/索引无空白/ 价位: DA0-40$10-30 DA41-50 $ 31-40 DA51-60 $41-80 DA61-70 $81-100 DA71-80 $101-140 DA81-90 $141-200