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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[西安][外企] 招聘两个实习生

  •   gbin · 2023-08-18 17:06:08 +08:00 · 945 次点击
    这是一个创建于 398 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    我们是 SAP Datasphere 产品下的 One Data Catalog 团队。One Data Catalog 产品致力于提供集中的企业数据治理能力,包括原数据提取、数据整合、数据编录、语义建模、数据仓库、数据联合和数据血缘分析等功能模块。 我们拥有成熟高效的开发流程,我们总是设计优先于开发,我们总是追求高质量代码,我们拥有全面覆盖的测试, 包括单元测试, 集成测试, e2e 测试, 性能测试, 鲁棒性测试等。 团队氛围活跃,定期组织技术分享交流会,头脑风暴,英语角,生日会等各种活动。本次开发两个实习岗位,JD 如下:

    1. Cloud Native Software Engineering Internship


    • Work on projects related to data governance, data integration, data warehousing
    • Collaborate with experienced software engineers to design, implement, test, and deploy new features
    • Learn and use technologies like Node.js, cloud-native development, and JavaScript
    • Take initiative, learn quickly, and contribute your ideas


    • Ability to communicate effectively in English is plus

    • Current university student pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science or related field

    • Solid foundation in computer science fundamentals and software engineering principles

    • Experience with Node.js, JavaScript, or other scripting languages is a plus

    • Passion for writing clean, well-tested, maintainable code

    • Eligibility to work full-time for a minimum of 6 months


    • Competitive internship stipend.
    • Hands-on experience developing enterprise-level software using cutting-edge technologies
    • End-to-end development life cycle knowledge, from design to deployment
    • Exposure to code reviews, Agile processes, and collaboration with cross-functional teams
    • Mentorship from experienced software engineering professionals
    • Opportunities to grow technical and professional skills
    • Potential for a full-time role upon completion of the internship

    2. Research Software Engineering Internship (AI-related)


    • Conduct research to explore and implement AI techniques to improve SAP Datasphere product capabilities.
    • Collaborate with the development team to integrate AI-based features and enhancements.
    • Stay updated with the latest advancements in machine learning and deep learning technologies.
    • Assist in the design and implementation of AI-driven modules and algorithms.
    • Document research findings, methodologies, and outcomes. (Patent, Paper, etc.)


    • Ability to communicate effectively in English is plus

    • Current university student pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science or related field

    • Solid foundation in computer science fundamentals and software engineering principles

    • Enthusiastic and creative thinker with a strong innovation mindset.

    • Prior experience or expertise in machine learning and deep learning, evidenced by papers or patents, is a strong advantage.

    • Proficiency in Python and Typescript programming is preferred.

    • Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work independently and as part of a team.


    • Competitive internship stipend.
    • Learning and growth opportunities in a supportive environment.
    • Opportunity to contribute to a cutting-edge product with real-world impact.

    投递方式: c3luY2hlci5weWxvbi5wZW5nQHNhcC5jb20=

    2 条回复    2023-08-23 16:37:46 +08:00
       2023-08-21 20:05:58 +08:00
       2023-08-23 16:37:46 +08:00
    @a7851578 测试社招没关注,我们组目前没有,谢谢。
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