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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[上海/外企/福利好/Golang/Ruby] GOAT 上海招 2 名后端工程师

  •   StephenShen · 2023-07-22 12:01:07 +08:00 · 1869 次点击
    这是一个创建于 457 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    薪资范围:大概在 30-45 万年薪。
    要求:1-3 年工作经验,英语好(要和美国开会)
    开发语言:Ruby/Golang 。可以接受 Python PHP Java 等转语言。
    福利:15 天年假 高端医疗保险(可以去和睦家) 无限零食 无限饮料 不用打卡 发 MacBook 妹子多 氛围好 不卷

    有兴趣的 VX 搜索 BH4FUP
    简历也可发邮箱:[email protected]

    详细 JD:
    About the Team

    At GOAT Group, the Engineering team is an integral part of our dynamic company. By joining the team, your skills will be front and center, working alongside other passionate individuals to solve problems and build software. From launching compelling new consumer experiences, tackling global logistics challenges to scaling infrastructure to facilitate our rapid growth – technology is essential to driving our vision forward. The work you do will change the way the world shops, while also empowering entrepreneurs, including individual sellers, brands and boutiques.

    Role Overview

    We are looking for a Backend Engineer to help design and implement new features across multiple backend applications. As a presence and an individual contributor on a small team, you will play a key role in both enhancing a Ruby on Rails backend at the heart of the business and building out a new, more scalable service-driven architecture.

    Language requirement: Fluent in Mandarin and English

    Location: Shanghai, China

    In this role, you will:

    Manage projects and problems of significantly larger scopes
    Formulate an efficient game plan for delivering a stable, well-tested feature on time
    Make technical recommendations that improve the codebase while minimizing risk
    Identify and fix (or, ideally, avoid) bugs and performance bottlenecks
    Coordinate and communicate seamlessly across other technical and product teams
    Be a helpful and supportive presence on the team, contributing to code reviews and other team processes
    We are looking for:

    BS degree preferred
    2-3 years of experience in software engineering with Ruby on Rails (Python, Go, PHP, or Java is ok too)
    Experience with e-Commerce/Web Applications
    Familiar and comfortable with the technologies, the tradeoffs, and the design patterns emerging in web services
    A quick learner, a self-starter, able to work autonomously, and you're willing (and able) to handle the pressures of an increasing level of responsibility
    1 条回复
       2023-07-24 12:37:38 +08:00
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