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Orange 旗下的网络安全公司招贤纳士 [HC2 个] 省流:安全工程师 Base:上海

  •   tenderstarry · 2023-06-16 19:18:09 +08:00 · 1156 次点击
    这是一个创建于 493 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    招贤纳士(Careers At Orange CyberDefense)

    公司简介(Company profile)

    Orange Cyberdefense is the expert cybersecurity business unit of the Orange Group, providing managed security, managed threat detection & response services to organizations around the globe. As Europe’s go-to security provider, we strive to protect freedom and build a safer digital society.

    We are threat research, intelligence-driven, offering unparalleled access to current and emerging threats. With a 25+ year track record in information security, 250+ researchers & analysts and 17 SOCs distributed across the world and sales and services support in 160 countries, we can offer global protection with local expertise and support our customers throughout the entire threat lifecycle.

    In China, we provide managed security service (Cyber SOC) and wide security service portfolios to our global customers and local customers.


    中国上海市(Shanghai, China)

    内部推荐奖金( Internal referral bonus )

    2000(RMB) 候选人入职后当月发放,无需等待

    2000 (RMB) candidates will be issued in the same month after joining the company, so there is no need to wait

    安全分析师(Cyber Security Defense Analyst)

    岗位描述(Job Description) Orange Cyberdefense China is looking for a Cyber Security Defense Analyst to join us in Shanghai. The main task of the job is to investigate potential problems in clients’ critical business infrastructure and do thorough analysis, being part of the Cyber SOC (Security Operation Center) in China where you analyse customer data and do risk analysis based on the supplied input. Daily tasks involve log analysis, IDS/IPS alerts, file integrity, malware analysis and vulnerability management, as well as writing customer reports.

    主要工作内容(Key Task)

    • Log Analysis,
    • Vulnerability Scanning,
    • Technical analysis,
    • Malware forensics,
    • Reverse Engineering,
    • Web application security.
    • Follow the deployment arrangement of the technical manager

    个人能力要求(Personal Skills Requirements)

    部分要求为加分项, 英语听说读写熟练为必须项(海外留学, 持雅思等英语水平语言成绩优秀者优先)

    • 4 years university training in computer science
    • Proven experience with:
    • Splunk or other SIEM solution tool
    • Linux / Unix, Mac OS X and Windows.
    • PHP, Python, Java, C or C++,
    • PCI DSS, ITIL, ISO 27001
    • One or more of the following certifications is a plus, but not a requirement:
    • CompTIA Security+ or CEH,
    • CompTIA Linux+ or similar Linux certification,
    • CISSP, OSCP or any other offensive security certifications.
    • Fluent in Chinese and English

    高级网络安全分析师(Senior Cyber Security Analyst)

    岗位描述(Job Description)

    The main task of the job is to analyse malicious code, solving major security incidents at customers, and build on our threat intelligence delivery together with R&D, CSIRT and colleagues in the CyberSOC (Security Operation Center) in China. You will also work with OSINT and proactive threat intelligence analysis.

    主要工作内容(Key Task)

    • Analyzing malicious samples
    • Documenting indicators of compromise
    • Working together with our CSIRT team, R&D and security analysts.
    • Reverse engineering (Assembler, .NET and other languages)
    • Writing reports in English
    • Maintaining threat intelligence feeds and content of the feeds
    • Tracking different threat actors
    • Teaching junior analysts on a regular basis so that knowledge is spread around the team
    • Follow the deployment arrangement of the technical manager

    个人能力要求(Personal Skills Requirements)

    部分要求为加分项, 英语听说读写要求能够达到日常及技术无障碍沟通

    • 4 years university training in computer science
    • Proven experience with:
    • Splunk or other SIEM solution tool
    • Linux / Unix, Mac OS X and Windows.
    • PHP, Python, Java, C or C++,
    • PCI DSS, ITIL, ISO 27001
    • One or more of the following certifications is a plus, but not a requirement:
    • CompTIA Security+ or CEH,
    • CompTIA Linux+ or similar Linux certification,
    • CISSP, OSCP or any other offensive security certifications.
    • Fluent in Chinese and English
    第 1 条附言  ·  2023-06-16 20:03:16 +08:00
    由于保密性本工作并不支持 remote
    4 条回复    2023-06-17 13:23:32 +08:00
       2023-06-16 19:20:03 +08:00
       2023-06-16 23:13:09 +08:00
    会有 7*24 值班要求 3 班倒 外地来上海 5000 搬家补贴
       2023-06-17 10:03:34 +08:00 via iPhone
    支持 WFH 吗?薪资范围和主要客户行业?
       2023-06-17 13:23:32 +08:00
    @patrickyoung Hi, 特殊情况支持 wfh, 大多数时间都需要在 office 因为 vpn 和保密性, 薪资从 junior-senior 为 15-30 不等
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