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[上海]Wiredcraft 最新招聘技术项目经理,欢迎投递👏

  •   hunvreus · 2023-04-03 12:48:47 +08:00 · 4528 次点击
    这是一个创建于 568 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    技术项目经理 JD


    Wiredcraft 创办于 2009 年,2022 年 6 月正式加入阳狮集团中国( Publicis Groupe China )。目前在上海、新加坡设有办公室,服务范围辐射中国和亚太地区。我们拥有逾 100 名本土和国际专业人士,深耕技术、设计、研发、产品管理、战略咨询以及数据领域,助力企业实现全渠道、跨国界的数字化转型战略蓝图。

    ​ 在 Wiredcraft,我们有:

    • 一流的客户和有趣的项目:我们与世界最著名的公司合作,为他们打造千万级用户的数字产品。

    • 优秀的办公环境:开放式的办公环境,与热情专注、追求卓越的伙伴们一起工作和成长。

    • 开放协作的文化:从软件开发到日常沟通,我们追求开源和开明的工作模式,你的每一个意见都会得到重视。

      Wiredcraft 打造了一些列专业的解决方案 (CDP, sCRM, e-commerce...). 更多信息请浏览: https://enterpriseomni.com/


    - Ensure all projects are delivered on time within the stipulated scope and budget

    - Proven successful project experience on large scale projects management, especially backend service & API related project which needs cross functional communication and alignment

    - Solid technical background, good knowledge on node.js, nest.js, graphQL, docker, k8s, couch base, alicloud, AWS, etc.

    - Manage the day-to-day project activities and resources of large projects

    - Actively resolve issues, identify risks and escalate as needed

    - Oversee quality control and assurance procedures for projects

    - Coordinate teams of digital experts (engineers, designers, strategists) to design and ship digital solutions

    - Manage the relationship between our team and the client

    - Manage client expectations, build rapport and support business activities (upselling, negotiations, estimates, etc.)

    - Contribute to tools, process improvement and team knowledge building

    - Lead project documentation

    - Support junior team members where needed


    - 5+ years experience in project management, planning, and tracking

    - Extensive knowledge of current digital technologies

    - Experience working with business stakeholders

    - Experience with and understanding of full project or product lifecycle

    - Proficiency with project management tools, methodologies, and related technology

    - Ability to demonstrate leadership, drive results, solve problems, and possess interpersonal skills

    - Knowledge and experience of with different project management frameworks, including waterfall and agile

    - Willingly to mentor more junior team members and share knowledge

    - Strong communication skills

    - Fluent and/or conversational English and Mandarin


    - Prior experience in software development or quality control

    - Knowledge of Product Ownership

    - Experience with writing Epics, User Stories and Acceptance Criteria

    - Certifications in Project Management (PMP, etc.) and Agile/Scrum Methodology (CSM, CSPO, etc.).

    ​ **


    ** ​ **工作地点:**上海市静安寺地铁站附近

    **岗位亮点:**13 薪,超长年假,外企 WLB 文化,弹性上班,扁平化管理,额外商业医保➕每年体检➕季度团建活动

    **如何投递:** (可选择以下任意一种方式进行申请)

    1.点击[官网招聘链接]( https://careers.wiredcraft.com/o/senior-technical-project-manager ) 进行投递

    2.Email: [email protected]

    *(可发送你的中英文简历到上述邮箱,标题格式:申请岗位|姓名|来自 V2EX )*
    2 条回复    2023-04-17 11:23:18 +08:00
       2023-04-07 18:11:06 +08:00
    水一个,看标题以为是 war3 要招人
       2023-04-17 11:23:18 +08:00
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