V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  酷工作

Senior Smart Contract Developer --- Foresight Ventures

  •   maggie5 · 2023-03-09 09:25:41 +08:00 · 1202 次点击
    这是一个创建于 593 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    The Role

    The senior smart contract engineer is one of the founding engineering roles in our fast-growing company. You must love designing and coding smart contracts using solidity. You will own the modular design and implementation of our core protocol from the ground up. You will have full visibility and input into core strategic, design, and product choices.


    1. Lead the design, implementation, testing, and auditing of the core protocol;
    2. Lead the integration of protocol modules with web applications and services;
    3. Work closely with the backend engineering team to design the service API and SDK.
    4. Collaborate closely with the founding team on product, design, and strategic decisions, taking initiatives to incorporate cross-functional insights.
    5. Establish and iterate on best practices for maintaining a secure and modular protocol framework.
    6. US West Coast Preferred, Hybrid/Remote considered

    Who you are

    1. 2-5+ years of smart contract development experience using Solidity
    2. Deep understanding of the EVM down to the opcode level
    3. Proficient with the latest solidity frameworks and tooling
    4. Experience working on NFT marketplace and DeFi protocols
    5. Experience with Rust is a plus
    6. Experience with open source development using Github
    7. Experience leading engineering teams, organizing deliverables, and setting priorities on complex technical projects
    8. Eager to learn, ambitious, communicative, and initiative-seeking

    Email to [email protected]

    2 条回复    2023-03-14 11:41:25 +08:00
       2023-03-14 11:34:41 +08:00
    顶一下,拜托各位有资源或者有认识的帮忙推一下。靠谱的远程 Web3 岗位。
       2023-03-14 11:41:25 +08:00
    @Livid 求推荐
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