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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[上海] 招聘 Web3(Gamefi)- BD Manager(WeChat: RD_Ji_China) 需: base 上海,有游戏资源, Web3 工作经验

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  •   Jillyyds · 2023-02-08 14:48:38 +08:00 · 1383 次点击
    这是一个创建于 622 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    BD Manager- Web3
    1 、Business development: Build relationships with other projects and organizations in the industry, being an influential voice for the project.
    2 、Ecosystem strategy: identity, prioritize and complete opportunities that will grow and develop the web3 ecosystem.
    3 、Deal making: the ability to own high-value, strategic deals from end to end.
    4 、This requires the ability to work with multiple internal and external stakeholders and accommodate legal and compliance requirements.
    5 、Leadership: Serve as a passionate and inspirational leader within the organization.

    1 、Experience working in a client-facing role for a Web3/Game company.
    2 、You live and breathe game.
    3 、You have an established network within Web3/Game.
    4 、Over 1 years experience in a fast-paced startup.
    5 、Must be a self-starter, creative thinker, and quick learner that requires very little oversight.
    6 、Must be a pleasure to work with, flexible, and easy-going.
    7 、Self-motivated and capable of setting goals and seeing projects through to completion.
    8 、Thrives in fast-paced environments and can adapt quickly to shifting priorities.
    9 、You have strong personal organization and project management abilities.
    10 、Outstanding interpersonal skills and the ability to effectively communicate, build rapport, tell stories, and relate to others in both written and verbal forms.
    11 、Native or Fluent English.
    12 、You want to change people s lives for the better and break traditional norms.
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