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[国内外远程办公] 秘猿科技 Cryptape- Developer Relations/开发者关系/海外运营/全栈开发/区块链开发

  •   juliehuang1005 · 2023-01-29 10:54:18 +08:00 · 1774 次点击
    这是一个创建于 632 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    关于秘猿科技 Cryptape

    杭州秘猿科技有限公司( Cryptape Co.,Ltd.)的使命是用技术创造信任,为未来数字世界构建新的基础设施和服务。秘猿科技成立于 2016 年 ,2017 年获得招银国际战略投资,是一家以纯研究与工程为导向的技术公司,在区块链领域实力深厚。

    我们具有丰富的区块链生态实践经验。从 2011 年开始参与或主导各种区块链项目,包括世界第一个开源的数字资产交易平台貔貅 Peatio ;星火矿池 Spark pool ; 以太坊 Ethereum ;以太坊爱好者社区 Ethfans ; 开源区块链底层内核 CITA ;与招商银行等主流金融机构进行的金融+区块链合作;以及现在正在开发的 Nervos CKB 、Godwoken 、Axon 等等,涵盖了区块链生态的各个方面。


    • 远程办公:无论你在哪里,我们都可以并肩奋斗!
    • 弹性工作:无论你是早睡早起的好孩子还是不怕黑眼圈的夜猫子,我们都可以并肩奋斗!
    • 商业保险:除五险一金外,额外购买商业保险为你提供更多保障!
    • 成长机会:我们关注你的个人成长,线上学习平台线下活动交流都在碗里!

    Projects Involved


    Rust Developer


    • Design and implement the inter-blockchain communication solution with Cosmos IBC for Nervos Network.
    • Research different blockchains and explore the possibility of connecting them with Nervos Network.

    Minimum Qualifications

    • 3+ years experience in software development.
    • Proficiency in Rust/Golang language.
    • Familiar with distributed operating systems, experience with cloud native, cloud computing will be a plus.

    Preferred Qualifications

    • Knowledge of crosschain or other framework solutions, e.g. Substrate, Cosmos SDK, Octopus Network.
    • Experience maintaining open source projects in Rust.
    • Familiarity with Ethereum, Bitcoin, or other blockchain projects.

    Blockchain Engineer


    • Design and build a new dApp solution based on CKB to help participants collaborate to create transaction.
    • Development language: Rust

    Minimum Qualifications

    • Proficiency in at least one system language, including Rust, C/C++.
    • Solid understanding of the network programming internals.
    • Excellent teamwork and communication skills.

    Preferred Qualifications

    • Maintainer of open source libraries or experience working with open source projects.
    • Experience in distributed systems.
    • Experience in P2P network protocols design.
    • Experience in lower-level computer systems, computer architecture, embedded systems.
    • Experience in the development of Bitcoin or other permissionless blockchain.
    • Love Rust.

    Developer Relations

    The ideal candidate will be responsible for growing the organization's community of developers and refining its holistic developer experience to ensure increased operational success.


    • Advocate the uniqueness and potential of CKB technology and the opportunity of building on CKB.
    • Write document and educational content for CKB and tooling.
    • Engage with the CKB developer community, including answer questions and provide technical support to the CKB dApp developers, collect/summarize/report developer feedbacks.
    • Organize developer community activities.
    • Find and support solid dApp developers/teams building applications on CKB.

    Minimum Qualifications

    • Fluent in both English and Chinese, solid writing skills.
    • Experience studying or working aboard.
    • Participation in the general web3 ecosystem or blockchain project.
    • You are a self-starter and hold yourself accountable.

    Preferred Qualifications

    • Solid programming skills and developing experience.
    • Experience managing/operating a developer community.
    • Passion for building relationships and growing communities online.

    Content Engineer/Designer

    About the Role:

    As a Content Designer, you will assist the DevRel team in growing our developer community. Responsibilities range from conducting research (support developers directly), creating clear, engaging, and informative content that helps educate and inform the community and public about CKB and its tooling. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of blockchain technology and its use cases and will use that knowledge to create content that appeals to developers.

    Key Responsibilities

    • Implement and maintain content strategies focusing on CKB to provide an optimal developer experience
    • Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including engineers, communications and designers, to maintain documentations and create interactive content and educational materials
    • Research and understand blockchain technology and CKB’s features
    • Engage with the CKB developer community, including answer questions and provide technical support to the dApp developers building on CKB
    • Gather, analyze and report feedback from developers and incorporate it into documentations
    • Staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in blockchain technology and content creation
    • Ensure all content is accessible and meets compliance requirements

    Minimum Qualifications

    • Experience in technical writing or a related field
    • Strong writing and editing skills, with the ability to create clear, concise, and informative content
    • Strong understanding of blockchain technology and the development of decentralized applications
    • Experience working with a developer community and providing technical support
    • Passion for advancing the adoption of blockchain technology and empowering developers to build innovative solutions.


    • Cryptography Engineer 密码学工程师
    • Layer 2 Protocol Analyst
    • Junior Researcher
    • Graphic Designer
    • Senior Test Engineer
    • 招聘官网:https://cryptape.com/#/joinUs


    秘猿一直保持浓厚的工程师文化和 geek 氛围,注重对人才的培养,鼓励技术分享,坚持“小而美”。全员 remote work 多年,看重结果而非形式,为共同创业的小伙伴们创造了一个充满自由、尊重和温度的工作环境。


    简历可以发送 [email protected] ,简历备注来自 V2EX 社区,合适的简历会尽快电话联系,谢谢!

    2 条回复    2023-01-30 20:10:54 +08:00
       2023-01-29 16:50:59 +08:00
       2023-01-30 20:10:54 +08:00
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