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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[We are Hiring-NVIDIA 英伟达] [Beijing/Shanghai/Shenzhen] [Software Engineer- RDMA]

  •   zoe1016aaa · 2023-01-09 17:48:00 +08:00 · 1619 次点击
    这是一个创建于 652 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    We are now looking for Software Engineer!

    NVIDIA is seeking for an experienced Software Engineer with a strong background in networking and virtualization technologies. This full-time position requires close collaboration with other NVIDIA SW and SW architecture teams, pre-sale teams and different industry leading architecture and RnD teams to develop leading SW solutions and stack. The role requires a strong knowledge of server/Cloud networking and virtualization technologies and top SW development skills. Kernel & DPDK background is strongly preferred.

    [ Location ] :Beijing/Shanghai/Shenzhen

    [ Send Resume to ] : [email protected]

    [ Add WeChat ] :18867144803

    [ What you’ll be doing:]

    1 、Working with NVIDIA top customers RnD, getting familiar with their applications and needs.

    2 、Building cutting edge POC prototypes which later to be productize and delivered.

    3 、Closely work with various development and architecture teams and take major part of SW development.

    [ What we need to see:]

    1 、Bachelor or above in Computer Science or computer engineering or related discipline

    2 、8+ years of practical experience

    3 、Strong C/C++ programming skills

    4 、Experiences using C/C++ in Linux (user and/or kernel modes)

    5 、Good networking knowledge and be familiar with L2 bridging, L3 routing and protocols such as VLAN, STP, OSPF, BGP, PIM etc.

    6 、Advantage – knowledge at RDMA, DPDK and Network virtualization

    [ Ways to stand out from the crowd:]

    1 、Demonstrated ability to work in a cross-functional team environment

    2 、Self-motivated, ability to work with little definition and supervision while multi-tasking and prioritizing across a number of projects and initiatives

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