VirtualBox 发布 7.0 啦,不少新功能,支持管理远端虚拟机啦。 只是这 7.0.0 版本,不敢现在用呀。 等升级几个版本再说吧,期待。。。
czzhengkw 2022-10-14 15:36:26 +08:00
不支持 M2 ?差评
oIMOo 2022-10-14 17:04:29 +08:00
macOS host: Dropped all kernel extensions. VirtualBox relies fully on the hypervisor and vmnet frameworks provided by Apple now. At the moment the implementation lacks "Internal Networking" functionality. This will be provided at a later date.
macOS host: Providing a Developer Preview package for systems with an Apple silicon CPU. This is unsupported work in progress, and is known to have very modest performance. |
zzz22333 2022-10-14 22:10:24 +08:00 via Android
usb 问题解决了么