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[上海/可远程] [外企不加班氛围好][Horizons] 招募前端/测试开发

  •   ezioruan · 2022-09-13 10:13:56 +08:00 · 1802 次点击
    这是一个创建于 771 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

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    Horizons 新视野数字科技是一家以人力资源服务为行业背景的外企,目前公司业务正在快速增长,我们有自研的 SaaS 平台产品, 团队看中每一位成员的职业成长和长期稳定的合作,如果你经验丰富,技术过硬,还有一口不错的英语,期待你的加入!

    Senior Front-End Engineer (Customer Apps) 高级前端开发工程师(可远程)

    We are looking for an experienced front-end engineer with aesthetics and passion for user experience (UX).

    我们在找一位有经验的前端工程师,有审美,对用户体验(UX)有追求。TA 将负责实现 Customer Apps 产品生态系统的各种 UI 组件


    • Responsible for implementing various UI components of the Customer Apps product ecosystem.

    • Optimizing web front-end performance and researching new front-end technologies.

    • Developing and extending front-end code frameworks to create smooth user experience.

    • Exploring new and efficient front-end development models.

    • 负责实现 Customer Apps 产品生态系统的各种 UI 组件。

    • 优化 Web 前端性能,研究前端新技术。

    • 开发、扩展前端代码框架,创造出舒适的用户体验;

    • 探索新型高效前端开发模式。

    • 5+ years of experience with React.

    • Understanding and love of UX best practices, elegant design, etc.

    • Experience with ES6+, TypeScript.

    • Experience with CSS extension languages such as LESS, SCSS, SASS.

    • Experience with RESTful APIs and GraphQL API.

    • Experience working with an agile methodology (e.g. SCRUM, Kanban).

    • Ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements.

    • Good verbal and written communication skills in English.

    Plus points:

    • Experience in static site generation such as NextJS or Gatsby.

    • Bachelor's degree or higher in a related computer science field.

    • Show us one finished project that you are proud of in terms of user experience (UX).

    • 5 年以上的前端开发经验;

    • 熟练掌握 ReactJS, TypeScript, ES6+;

    • 熟练掌握 CSS 扩展语言,比如 LESS, SCSS, SASS ;

    • 有 RESTful APIs 和 GraphQL API 的经验;

    • 了解并热爱用户体验的最佳实践,优雅的设计,delightful animation 等;

    • 有敏捷方法论的工作经验(如 SCRUM ,Kanban );

    • 有能力理解业务需求并将其转化为技术需求;

    • 良好的英语口头和书面沟通能力。


    • 具备 NextJS 或 Gatsby 的使用经验
    • 在相关的计算机科学领域拥有学士或以上学位。
    • 向我们展示一个在用户体验( UX )方面值得骄傲的成品项目

    薪资:17k ~ 22k 13 个月

    Intermediate Front-End Engineer (Customer Apps) 中级前端开发工程师(可远程)

    We are looking for an experienced front-end engineer with aesthetics and passion for user experience (UX).

    我们在找一位有经验的前端工程师,有审美,对用户体验(UX)有追求。TA 将负责实现 Customer Apps 产品生态系统的各种 UI 实现。


    • Responsible for implementing various UI components of the Customer Apps product ecosystem.
    • Developing and extending front-end code frameworks to create smooth user experience.
    • 负责实现 Customer Apps 产品生态系统的各种 UI 组件。
    • 开发、扩展前端代码框架,创造出舒适的用户体验;


    • Extensive experience as front-end part with ReactJS (3+ years)
    • Experience with ES6+, TypeScript.
    • Experience with CSS extension languages such as LESS, SCSS, SASS.
    • Knowledge of RESTful API or GraphQL API.
    • Must have experience with code version tools Git.
    • Knowledge of best practices for front-end development, appropriate coding standards, unit tests, integration tests.
    • Good verbal and written communication skills in English.

    Plus points:

    • Experience in static site generation such as NextJS or Gatsby.

    • Experience with cloud services, Aliyun, AWS, etc.

    • Experience with Gitlab CI/CD, Jenkins, etc.

    • Experience and knowledge on back-end development with Python, Golang.

    • 3 年以上的前端开发经验

    • 熟练掌握 ReactJS, TypeScript, ES6+

    • 熟练掌握 CSS 扩展语言,比如 LESS, SCSS, SASS

    • 有使用 RESTful API 或 GraphQL API 的相关经验

    • 具备代码版本控制工具 Git 的使用经验

    • 对前端开发的最佳实践有较深理解,合适的编码规范,单元测试,集成测试等

    • 基本的英语书写和沟通能力


    • 具备 NextJS 或 Gatsby 的使用经验
    • 具备云服务的相关经验,比如阿里云,AWS 等
    • 具备 Gitlab CI/CD ,Jenkins 等的使用检验
    • 掌握或了解后端开发语言比如 Python, Golang 等

    薪资:14k ~ 16k 13 个月

    Senior QA Automation Engineer (Customer Apps) 高级测试自动化工程师(可远程)


    • Support team to deliver high quality and high performance SaaS product.
    • Support to deliver high security API service.
    • Improve automation test coverage for both UI and API constantly.
    • Support other QA engineers to grow automation test skills.
    • 协助并支持团队交付高质量和高性能的 SaaS 产品。
    • 支持交付高安全性的 API 服务。
    • 不断改进 UI 和 API 的自动化测试覆盖率。
    • 支持其它 QA 工程师增进自动化测试技能


    • 5+ experience in testing with Web platform.
    • At least 2+ years of experience in testing with automation, include integration test, API and UI tests.
    • Extensive experience with some automation test tools, such as Cypress, Selenium.
    • Experience with performance test, platform security test.
    • Experience with rapid and frequent CI/CD.
    • Know at least one of program languages, such as JavaScript, Python.
    • Experience working with an agile methodology (e.g. SCRUM, Kanban).
    • Ability to understand business requirements and translate them into test cases and acceptance criterions.
    • Good verbal and written communication skills in English.

    Plus points:

    • Experience with Pentest, OWASP.

    • Experience with CI/CD, Jenkins, etc.

    • Experience in automation testing with mobile UI.

    • Team leadership experience.

    • 5 年以上的 Web 平台测试经验

    • 至少 2 年以上的自动化测试开发经验,包括集成测试,API 接口测试,UI 测试

    • 有丰富的 UI 自动化测试工具和框架的使用经验,比如 Cypress ,Selenium 等

    • 具备性能测试,平台安全性测试的经验

    • 有参与快速并频繁的持续集成,持续部署的经验

    • 掌握或熟悉至少一种编程语言,比如 JavaScript, Python

    • 有参与团队敏捷开发的经验,比如 SCRUM, Kanban

    • 具备理解业务需求并转化为测试用例和验收标准的能力

    • 良好的英语书写和口语沟通能力


    • 具备 Pentest, OWASP 经验
    • 具备 CI/CD ,Jenkins 等的使用经验
    • 具备移动端 UI 自动化测试经验
    • 有团队管理经验

    薪资:17k ~ 22k 13 个月

    邮箱: [email protected]

    1 条回复    2022-09-27 15:35:33 +08:00
       2022-09-27 15:35:33 +08:00
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