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V2EX  ›  酷工作

Tech Lead(40-80K/Full-time/Bilingual/Remote)

  •   Jessica0916 · 2022-08-18 15:43:25 +08:00 · 1735 次点击
    这是一个创建于 797 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    We are hiring for a North American company.
    Their market assessment reaches $1 billion.
    No age/sex/education discrimination here.
    No stack limitations for Tech Lead.
    No 996 schedule, but you may need to attend their meeting in the early morning or evening(11 pm-1 am) two or three times per week.
    Welcome bilinguals and team leaders to join in.
    Also hiring Ruby Engineer( conversant in English reading and writing)

    As a Staff Software Engineer, you will take the lead on directing and implementing solutions to significantly complex, unscoped problems. Your work will extend to many parts of a domain and may begin to influence your entire department or domain. Your team's work will align engineering priorities to Apollo's business and engineering priorities to realize the meaningful impact. You'll improve the overall quality of engineering done on your team and consistently take steps to support the growth and the success of your teammates.

    Participation in key technical decision-making discussions such as sprint planning, software design, and code reviews
    Help build and scale a world-class engineering team by interviewing and referral.
    Hold systematic weekly 1:1 touchpoints with engineers to deliver and receive quality feedback
    Setting technical direction and overseeing engineering projects working along with CTO on deciding the technology roadmap.
    Mentorship and sponsorship - best way to grow those around you is by creating an active practice of mentorship and sponsorship. Maintaining relationships and developing a positive team culture
    Provide objective and helpful quarterly performance feedback for engineers


    Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, similar technical field of study, or equivalent practical experience.
    10 years of relevant work experience in software development.
    Experience in software development using a general-purpose programming language (e.g., Java, Python etc).
    Experience architecting and developing distributed systems design.
    Great to have: Familiarity with Big Data Technologies, Ruby on Rails, React, MongoDB, and ElasticSearch, DevOps; Experience with Web scraping.

    Apply for : Usagi_9
       2022-08-19 11:52:40 +08:00
    no lowballing bruh
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