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V2EX  ›  酷工作

上海惠普 Hewlett Packard 招聘 后端 Java Developer 正式员工

  •   hppds · 2013-10-28 10:28:11 +08:00 · 2439 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4011 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    [ Sr. Software Engineer, Cloud Services (webOS) ] ( Regular )

    Exciting and challenging opportunity for an individual with strong Java skills looking to work in the Cloud Services space creating and maintaining publicly consumed RESTful JSON APIs. This is an emerging area for us and we are still in the early stages of realizing its full potential. We seek smart, passionate and visionary people to help us define this exciting new technology.

    In this role, you would...
    * design, document, and implement RESTful webservices using JSON, Java, MySQL, and Spring;
    * maintain and troubleshoot existing RESTful web services;
    * work as part of a tight-knit team that spans China and US developers;
    * participate in design, code reviews, and technological planning for the larger Cloud Services team.

    * BS in Computer Science or equivalent training
    * At least 3+ years of software engineering experience
    * At least 3+ years of Java experience
    * Experience with using Spring, Hibernate/JPA to create or maintain a production service
    * Experience integrating with and/or creating REST APIs
    * Solid knowledge of design patterns, data structures, algorithms, and object oriented software design
    * Outstanding written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills. The position requires constant communication with other team members.
    * Experience with creating and maintaining SQL schemas, as well as using MySQL or another relational DBMS
    * Sense of humor, or at least ability to laugh in the face of tough situations (of which there will be many) is a must.
    * Fast Learner able to pick up new concepts quickly.

    The following qualities get bonus points:
    * 5+ years is better of software engineering experience
    * 5+ years of Java experience
    * Understands Cloud Computing and preferably has experience working on Cloud Distributed Software
    * Experience working with package management formats (RPM, Debian), Enyo, or Amazon Web Services.
    * Ability to develop and troubleshoot in a UNIX environment

    中英文简历请发送至 [email protected]
    1 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2013-10-29 08:03:05 +08:00
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