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[上海招聘] Web3 外资初创-前谷歌团队 急需 [Go+Solidity]

  •   HanluDSCAPE · 2022-07-28 18:06:57 +08:00 · 2013 次点击
    这是一个创建于 785 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Position:Blockchain Developer/Web3 Backend Engineer/(Smart Contract)

    Location: Shanghai

    Compensation: Competitive Salary + Equity (25K-50K)

    Experience: Intermediate

    About fam.

    Fam is building web3 communities with our mobile-first social network built on top of your NFTs. We are an industry-leading team of ex-Googlers who take pride in being small and productive, with a relentless focus on our product and our people. Fam is based in Shanghai and venture-backed by an international group of VCs and dozens of the best angel investors and creators across both web2 and web3.

    Join our amazing team to build at the cutting edge of digital technology and web3 innovation! Company Website: https://gmfam.xyz/


    As Fam's Blockchain Developer, web3 backend engineer, you will have the opportunity to:

    • Responsible for the design, development, deployment of NFT related smart contracts (firstly with Solidity on EVM compatible chains), including testing and security auditing
    • Responsible for on chain data analysis and processing
    • Responsible for the design and development of blockchain applications and solutions, including the backend services and offchain Database which interacts with the blockchains
    • Responsible for the off chain data analysis and processing
    • Responsible for system’s security, scalability, stability, participate in system capacity planning, performance optimization, troubleshooting and resolution

    Desired Skill & Experience

    Must Have

    • Solid computer science foundation, solid data structure and algorithm foundation, strong programming ability and problem solving ability;
    • Solid Solidity development and optimization, be familiar with development tools such as Truffle and Hardhat, and be familiar with third-party security contract libraries such as OpenZeppelin; be familiar with gas optimization.
    • Familiar with the generic ERC721/ERC721A, ERC1155 protocols and equivalent contracts;
    • Familiarity with Golang, or other backend development stack.
    • Familiarity with MySql, MongoDb, Redis, or other database stack.
    • Familiarity with data processing pipeline such as kafka
    • Experience in blockchain system development, smart contract development;

    Highly Desired

    • Experienced in launching large scale / complex smart contracts on Eth
    • Participation in DeFi project development is preferred
    • Security background


    If you are interested, please contact us (WeChat:Explorium2012) to learn more -- we look forward to meeting you! You are welcome to apply or share the opportunity via link below: https://jobs.lever.co/fam

    2 条回复    2022-08-22 14:41:08 +08:00
       2022-08-02 09:00:11 +08:00
    Hi, I looked into the link and I'm interested in the community manager. I've got the experience of both offering operation solutions for web3 project and living abroad. I got the growth experience since I've built a crypto community from 0 to 1. Is the position still open?
       2022-08-22 14:41:08 +08:00
    @lililizi Yes, the position is still open.
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