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[实习] [微软亚洲研究院] 基于持续学习的大规模 AI 模型研发实习生

  •   nomeguy · 2022-07-13 15:59:49 +08:00 · 682 次点击
    这是一个创建于 833 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    微软亚洲研究院 (MSRA)-网络研究组 (Networking Research Group)

    岗位: [基于持续学习的大规模 AI 模型研发-全职实习生, 若干名]

    1 、工作职责:
    Modern AI algorithms pose a hard barrier between training and inference. This necessitates separate infrastructures for each of training and inference, which doubles the cost. Such a separate system design gets increasingly tough to be managed efficiently when the algorithm scales out to thousands or more GPUs. To tackle this issue, this project pursues both algorithmic and systematic advances on continual learning by leveraging mixture-of-experts architecture in large-scale AI models. The intern will be supervised by both system experts in Networking Research Group and algorithm experts in CV Research Group.

    2 、职位要求:
    1. Investigate state-of-the-art continual learning algorithms for large-scale AI models
    2. Develop novel algorithms to improve the continual learning performance by leveraging the mixture-of-experts architecture
    3. Contribute to efficient system development by leveraging proposed algorithms

    3 、具有以下条件者优先:
    1. Experience in deep learning research regarding to this project
    2. Fluent communication in English

    工作时间:每周 5 天,3 个月以上,能够尽快入职
    工作地点:北京市海淀区丹棱街 5 号(疫情期间可远程办公)
    如有意向请发 [中文简历 PDF ] 至:[email protected]
    [注意] 请务必采用学校邮箱( edu 域名)发送简历,其他邮箱(如 163 、qq 、gmail 、outlook 、hotmail 等)发送会进入公司垃圾邮件
    邮件标题&简历 PDF 文件名格式:基于持续学习的大规模 AI 模型研发-姓名-学校-本|硕|博-年级-v2ex
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