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成都电信 每 7 天出现 LCP terminated by peer

  •   ddzzhen · 2022-06-09 10:06:23 +08:00 · 2111 次点击
    这是一个创建于 838 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    大家有没有遇到这种情况,想知道这玩意是不是自己路由器设置的问题,7 天断开一次。 打游戏、看视频会突然卡住

    查看路由器日志,发现 LCP terminated by peer ,网络重新连接

    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.info pppd[24085]: LCP terminated by peer
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.info pppd[24085]: Connect time 8633.4 minutes.
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.info pppd[24085]: Sent 1612790935 bytes, received 1478016366 bytes.
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.err miniupnpd[4503]: ioctl(s, SIOCGIFADDR, ...): Address not available
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.err miniupnpd[4503]: Failed to get IP for interface pppoe-wan
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.warn miniupnpd[4503]: SendNATPMPPublicAddressChangeNotification: cannot get public IP address, stopping
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.err odhcp6c[24450]: Failed to send RS (Permission denied)
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.err odhcp6c[24450]: Failed to send RELEASE message to ff02::1:2 (Permission denied)
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Network device 'pppoe-wan' link is down
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Network alias 'pppoe-wan' link is down
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' has link connectivity loss
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice pppd[24085]: Modem hangup
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice pppd[24085]: Connection terminated.
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.info pppd[24085]: Connect time 8633.4 minutes.
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.info pppd[24085]: Sent 1612790995 bytes, received 1478035659 bytes.
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan' has lost the connection
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan_6 (24450): Command failed: Permission denied
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.info pppd[24085]: Exit.
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan' is now down
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan' is disabled
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan6' is disabled
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan' is enabled
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan' is setting up now
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan6' is enabled
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 kern.info kernel: [2071958.711108] 8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth1
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.err insmod: module is already loaded - slhc
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.err insmod: module is already loaded - ppp_generic
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.err insmod: module is already loaded - pppox
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.err insmod: module is already loaded - pppoe
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (14986): uci: Entry not found
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: wan (14986): sh: out of range
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.info pppd[15003]: Plugin pppoe.so loaded.
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.info pppd[15003]: PPPoE plugin from pppd 2.4.9
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice pppd[15003]: pppd 2.4.9 started by root, uid 0
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.info pppd[15003]: PPP session is 34771
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.warn pppd[15003]: Connected to ac:85:3d:bd:f4:7f via interface eth1
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.err odhcp6c[24450]: Failed to send SOLICIT message to ff02::1:2 (Permission denied)
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' is now down
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 kern.info kernel: [2071958.893438] pppoe-wan: renamed from ppp0
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.info pppd[15003]: Renamed interface ppp0 to pppoe-wan
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.info pppd[15003]: Using interface pppoe-wan
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice pppd[15003]: Connect: pppoe-wan <--> eth1
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:49 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' is disabled
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.info pppd[15003]: syncppp not active
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.info pppd[15003]: CHAP authentication succeeded: SUCCESS.
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice pppd[15003]: CHAP authentication succeeded
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice pppd[15003]: peer from calling number AC:85:3D:BD:F4:7F authorized
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice pppd[15003]: local  LL address fe80::16cb:4487:d3be:85ba
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice pppd[15003]: remote LL address fe80::ae85:3dff:febd:f47f
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice pppd[15003]: local  IP address
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice pppd[15003]: remote IP address
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice pppd[15003]: primary   DNS address
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice pppd[15003]: secondary DNS address
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Network device 'pppoe-wan' link is up
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan' is now up
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Network alias 'pppoe-wan' link is up
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' is enabled
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' has link connectivity
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' is setting up now
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:52 2022 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of wan (pppoe-wan)
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:53 2022 user.notice nlbwmon: Reloading nlbwmon due to ifup of wan (pppoe-wan)
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:54 2022 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifupdate of wan (pppoe-wan)
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:55 2022 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' is now up
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:55 2022 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of wan_6 (pppoe-wan)
    Wed Jun  8 18:37:57 2022 user.notice nlbwmon: Reloading nlbwmon due to ifup of wan_6 (pppoe-wan)

    网上查看发现是 ISP 主动断开的,又翻了日志发现之前还有,而且间隔是 7 天

    Thu Jun  2 18:44:26 2022 daemon.info pppd[24864]: LCP terminated by peer
    Fri May 27 18:51:03 2022 daemon.info pppd[31631]: LCP terminated by peer
    Sat May 21 18:57:40 2022 daemon.info pppd[2549]: LCP terminated by peer


    第 1 条附言  ·  2022-06-09 11:08:19 +08:00

    ipv4 的内网 10000 号表示不会断的,估计是 ipv6 的原因,多少有点坑
    10 条回复    2022-10-21 18:45:08 +08:00
       2022-06-09 10:13:27 +08:00
       2022-06-09 10:23:04 +08:00
    @Elissa 谢谢 问问电信什么情况
       2022-06-09 11:14:00 +08:00
    正常的啊,广东这边 2 天就会断一次了,不然你的 ip 岂不成了固定的了。
       2022-06-09 11:24:25 +08:00
    @magicls 内网也换的那么频繁吗,震惊
       2022-06-09 12:53:25 +08:00
    广东电信 2 天换一次,所以我设置每天凌晨 4 点自动重拨免得影响我上网
       2022-06-09 13:43:51 +08:00 via Android
    @Archeb 这也是个思路,可以的
       2022-06-10 21:16:22 +08:00
    你这都 7 天才主动断网,安徽是 2 天就主动断开了。
       2022-06-11 23:56:26 +08:00 via Android
    @alect 如果打竞技游戏岂不是被杀
       2022-06-14 16:58:12 +08:00 via Android
    @ddzzhen 可以改成半夜
       2022-10-21 18:45:08 +08:00
    @KissStar #9 能不能从 ISP 服务端改?
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