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V2EX  ›  酷工作

杭州外企招聘啦(前端主管、音视频 C++主管)

  •   csc546545 · 2022-05-27 16:53:17 +08:00 · 1080 次点击
    这是一个创建于 881 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    美股上市公司,全球平台的商务云通信和联络中心解决方案的领先提供商。总部位于硅谷,在世界各地设有办公室。目前全球员工约 7000 多人,付费企业客户 400,000 多家,市场占有率连续 4 年稳居北美第一。入选福布斯 2020 年全球最大上市公司 2000 强。



    六险一金与最高 20 天的带薪年假;




    丰富的水果 /零食 /饮料供应;

    • 多种多样的员工俱乐部;


    Frontend Team Lead


    1.Understand business requirements and translate them into technical implementation

    2.Represent the team in planning and product meetings

    3.Meeting with the rest of the engineering management team to align engineering-wide priorities

    4.Help implement effective engineering processes and policies

    5.Mentor other engineers and deeply review code


    1.Experience and thorough understanding one of React, VUE, or Angular

    2.Experience with modern browser technologies

    3.Familiar with RESTful APIs, web socket and common network technology

    4.Solid foundation in data structures, algorithms, and design pattern

    5.Experience in Unit testing and concept of TDD

    6.Experience with IM application, offline-first web application or PWA will be preferred

    7.Strong communication skills, a positive attitude, and empathy, exceptional written and verbal English communication skills

    8.Be able to weigh several and often conflicting constraints and make rapid decisions in a fast-moving and quickly-growing company

    C++ Leader


    1.Understand business requirements and translate them into technical implementation

    2.Design, implement, optimize, and deliver scalable distributed streaming server on Linux.

    3.Design and implement secure APIs to enable other products to integrate these developed technologies in the team.

    4.Coordinate development activities across teams within RingCentral.

    5.Ensure customer success by debugging and fixing complex issues they encounter.


    1.3+ years of software development experience in C++ and Linux.

    2.Excellent multiple thread programing skills.

    3.Implementation experience with TCP/UDP/WebSocket/RTMP/RTP etc.

    4.Implementation experience with microservices.

    5.Experience with streaming media including CDN, DASH, HLS, DRM etc. is required.

    6.Experience with audio/video processing.

    7.Excellent skills on performance tuning and improving.

    8.Familiar with opensource ffmpeg, libyuv etc. is a plus.

    9.Excellent problem resolving skills.

    10.Excellent communication skills and the ability to work both independently and as a team player

    11.Great passion to the software development and technology

    12.Strong communication skills, a positive attitude, and empathy

    13.Having video conference product development experience is a plus.

       2022-05-27 18:52:01 +08:00 via iPhone
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