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[杭州 可远程办公] 秘猿科技 Cryptape- 招聘全栈/前端/区块链开发/高性能工程师/RISC-V/资深研究员

  •   juliehuang1005 · 2022-05-09 18:03:26 +08:00 · 1831 次点击
    这是一个创建于 899 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    秘猿科技的使命是用技术创造信任,为未来数字世界构建新的基础设施和服务。秘猿科技成立于 2016 年 ,是以研究、工程和设计为主的区块链先锋,在区块链领域具有深厚的积累与良好的行业口碑。

    谢晗剑 秘猿科技创始人兼 CEO ,Nervos Network 架构师,前以太坊核心研究团队成员,前企业级高性能区块链 CITA 架构师,中国以太坊及区块链技术社区 EthFans 发起人。

    张韧 秘猿研究院院长。博士毕业于比利时鲁汶大学 COSIC 研究小组——AES 加密标准的诞生地,师从国际密码研究会会士 Bart Preneel 教授。曾在区块链领域最有影响力的公司 Blockstream 与比特币核心开发者 Pieter Wuillie 和 Gregory Maxwell 一起工作。研究方向为区块链共识协议,P2P 网络安全和隐私保护。张韧是 NDSS'21 (网络与分布式系统安全会议)区块链方向程序委员会成员,FC‘21 (金融密码学和数据安全会议)程序委员会成员。

    我们一直奉行开放和开源的精神,坚信透明是信任的基础,开源是区块链的基石,所有项目代码均在 Github 开源。我们与国内外多家研究机构及团队建立了长期的合作关系和良好的交流通道,无条件的与合作伙伴分享研究成果。


    • 远程办公:无论你在哪里,我们都可以并肩奋斗!
    • 弹性工作:无论你是早睡早起的好孩子还是不怕黑眼圈的夜猫子,我们都可以并肩奋斗!
    • 商业保险:除五险一金外,额外购买商业保险为你提供更多保障!
    • 成长机会:我们关注你的个人成长,线上学习平台线下活动交流都在碗里!


    Fullstack engineer


    • Design and build developer tools/libs in the Nervos CKB ecosystem.
    • Explore best practices in building Nervos CKB dapps.
    • Collaborate with internal development teams to enhance toolings as well as the whole Nervos ecosystem.

    Minimum Qualifications

    • 3 years experience in the software development field.
    • Experience with TypeScript, producing reusable libraries/modules.
    • Good teamwork and communication skills.
    • Experience working with blockchain related projects.

    Preferred Qualifications

    • Experience working with open source projects.
    • Experience with a non-TypeScript/JavaScript language.
    • Existing open source library maintainer is preferred.

    Frontend Engineer


    • Responsible for the front-end related products design and technology selection
    • Responsible for interrendering server data with the presentation layer
    • Responsible for blockchain tools development

    Minimum Qualifications

    • 3 years experience in frontend development
    • Familiar with cross-platform UI frameworks
    • Familiar with front-end framework response models
    • Good engineering skills, familiar with unit testing, integration testing, automated testing and other technologies in front-end development process
    • Familiar with blockchain technology principles, or experience in Dapp development

    Preferred Qualifications

    • Experience working with open source projects

    Senior Blockchain Engineer


    • Design and build new features for Nervos CKB.
    • Identify and debug performance issues to improve Nervos CKB.
    • Explore new frontiers that can push the boundaries of the whole Nervos CKB ecosystem.
    • Development language: Rust.

    Minimum Qualifications

    • 5+ years experience in the software development field.
    • Proficiency in at least one system language, including Rust, C/C++.
    • Experience with high performance multi-threaded systems.
    • Excellent teamwork and communication skills.

    Preferred Qualifications

    • Maintainer of open source libraries or experience working with open source projects.
    • Experience in distributed systems.
    • Experience in lower-level computer systems, computer architecture, embedded systems.
    • Experience with projects involving handwritten assembly languages.
    • Experience in the development of Bitcoin or other permissionless blockchain.
    • Love Rust.

    Senior Performance Engineer


    • Design and develop benchmarks/workloads to identify performance issues.
    • Design and build automatic performance diagnosis & analysis tools.
    • Implement or prototype optimization ideas.
    • Research next generation architectures to improve the performance.

    Minimum Qualifications

    • Experience with performance diagnosis of large scale distributed systems.
    • 5+ years experience in the software development field.
    • Proficiency in at least one system language, including Rust, C/C++.
    • Excellent teamwork and communication skills.

    Preferred Qualifications

    • Experience working with open source projects.
    • Experience in AAA game engines.
    • Experience in Linux kernel development.
    • Experience with eBPF is preferred.
    • Maintainer of open source libraries in esoteric languages is preferred.

    Senior RISC-V Toolchain Engineer


    • Porting new useful libraries and tools to RISC-V CPU architecture running in CKB VM environment.
    • Follow and contribute back to upstream GCC/LLVM progresses in RISC-V.
    • Work with internal/external teams to optimize existing cryptographic libraries so as to make them faster on CKB VM.

    Minimum Qualifications

    • 5+ years experience in the software development field.
    • Proficiency in C/C++.
    • Willingness to dive deep into the RISC-V architecture space.
    • Excellent teamwork and communication skills.

    Preferable Qualifications

    • Experience working with open source projects.
    • Experience dealing with low level assembly code, such as x86_64, aarch64 or RISC-V.
    • Experience working with LLVM or other modern compiler infrastructure.
    • Experience implementing cryptographic algorithms.

    Senior Researcher


    • Extract meaningful research topics from the Nervos ecosystem.
    • Deliver practical solutions to the extracted topics if they fall within the candidate's specialty, and publish papers at reputable venues.
    • If the topic is outside the candidate's specialty, the candidate can lead collaboration with colleges/community experts and deliver practical solutions.

    Minimum Qualifications

    • The candidate holds a Ph.D. degree in Cryptography/Information Security/Applied Mathematics or related fields.
    • The candidate has published papers at CORE A or A+ conferences.
    • English as a working language.

    Preferred Qualifications

    • Engineering Experience.
    • Familiar with Nervos.

    如何投递 简历可以发送至 [email protected] ,简历备注来自 V2EX ,合适的简历会两天内电话联系,谢谢!

    3 条回复    2022-05-10 11:20:09 +08:00
       2022-05-09 18:12:09 +08:00
    网站 movement wasd, D 好像没有什么用
       2022-05-09 20:08:19 +08:00
       2022-05-10 11:20:09 +08:00
    @nimou 暂时没有
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