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[Nationwide+remote working, full time] Fintech in Top15 Globally: Testing

  •   skyehuang · 2022-04-08 14:43:09 +08:00 · 1129 次点击
    这是一个创建于 930 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    • 这是一篇为外资金融交易平台寻访专家 /资深:测试开发 /自动化测试的文章 ——猎头 skye

    About Enterprise

    • An foreign-invested enterprises in a cutting-edge field of Fintech.Founded in 2016, the company has more than 3,500 employees worldwide and is mainly engaged in financial exchange, ranking Top15

    About the Job

    Testing developer ( Exchange ) [ java+英语]

    • 1.Work with developers to maintain / verify the Exchange platform along with a consolidated data platform with timeseries DBMS as its core.
    • 2.Perform regression testing / API testing (Restful + WebSockets)
    • 3.Perform stress testing to ensure the availability / scalability / performance of the system.
    • 4.Test the system by simulate users' behavior to test the robustness of the system.
    • 5.Bachelor's (or higher) degree in Computer Science or related fieldsHands-on Python / Java programming skills
    • 6.Familiar with JUnit / Spock / Cucumber
    • 7.Familiar with auto testing and stress testing tools
    • 8.Familiar with communication protocols (HTTPs / Restful / WebSockets)
    • 9.Relational DB (SQL / MySQL / PostgresSQL / Cassandra)
    • 10.[Bonus] Knows asset-pricing models for financial derivatives

    自动化测试( API ,java+cucumber ,英语起码能听读写)

    • 1.Bachelor degree or above, major in computer science or related with a minal 3 yrs of experience. 
    • 2.You are a software quality guy and obsessed with high quality software
    • 3.You will be required to develop an automated test framework with preferably cucumber like libraries in Java 
    • 4.You will be required to develop and organize a well designed suite of test cases that can work seamlessly with the automated CI/CD pipelines.
    • 5.You will make sure all the API services both in RESTful or WebSocket strictly adhere to the protocol standards both in happy or exceptional cases, all the APIs follow a standard of protocol that is intuitive to all the service users.
    • 6.Familiarity with functional and reactive non-blocking programming paradigm is a plus. 
    • 7.Familiar with modern development methods, such as agile development, test-driven development and Scrum;
    • 8.For the software test lead, you are expected to lead a group of test engineers to achieve your goals. 
    • 9.Have good written and oral English. Have excellent communication skills.
    • 10.Experience in the development and architecture of complex financial systems, e-commerce systems or trading systems is preferred;
    • 11.Practical experience in cloud architecture, DevOps, docker,  kubernetes is preferred.

    自动化测试(性能,Java ,书面英文)

    • 1.具有移动和网页端的自动化测试的经验,并在整个开发过程中十分注重质量;
    • 2.有使用 TestNG, Appium, Selenium, Cucumber 等不同框架的经验;
    • 3.良好的面向对象编程知识,以及必要的编码和调试技能;
    • 4.具有 Java 和 /或 Python 的设计和开发技能;
    • 5.理解软件设计原则、模式、算法、数据结构和多线程概念;
    • 6.能够将功能需求转化为工作测试计划和测试用例;
    • 7.专注于客户,优秀的问题解决和分析能力。较强的口头和书面沟通能力;
    • 8.了解持续集成实践,最好使用 CircleCI ;
    • 9.有在敏捷环境下工作的经验者优先。能够跨 Windows 和 Linux 工作,优先考虑;
    • 10.通过与开发团队的互动来提高代码质量;
    • 11.具有使用编码标准和积极参与代码评审的技能;
    • 12.能使用粤语 /英语交流者优先。

    自动化测试(深圳,python/java ,书面英文)

    • 1.具有 API 自动化测试或者性能测试经验,能独自搭建自动化框架,并在整个开发过程中十分注重代码质量以及测试质量,对软件测试有一定的理解。
    • 2.掌握 Rest API 和 WebSocket 测试经验,有使用过 TestNG,Cucumber,HttpClient 等相关框架的经验。
    • 3.良好的面向对象编程知识,以及必要的编码和调试技能;
    • 4.具有 Java/Python/Ruby 的设计和开发技能;
    • 5.理解软件设计原则、模式、算法、数据结构和多线程概念;
    • 6.能够将功能需求转化为工作测试计划和测试用例;
    • 7.专注于客户,优秀的问题解决和分析能力。较强的口头和书面沟通能力;
    • 8.了解持续集成实践,最好使用 CircleCI ;
    • 9.有在敏捷环境下工作的经验者优先。能够跨 Windows 和 Linux 工作,优先考虑;
    • 10.通过与开发团队的互动来提高代码质量;
    • 11.具有使用编码标准和积极参与代码评审的技能;


    • Huge responsibilities from Day 1. Be the owner of your own learning curve. The possibilities are limitless and depend on you.

    • You get to work in a very dynamic environment and be part of an international team.


    • Base is 30-60k.There are other parts


    • Support national telecommuting

    If you are intrested please let me know

    第 1 条附言  ·  2022-04-08 15:35:44 +08:00
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