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V2EX  ›  酷工作

猎头推荐|远程|全职|北京、上海、广州、深圳|Ruby, Java , Python ,SRE

  •   wilson24153409 · 2022-04-02 17:25:42 +08:00 · 1793 次点击
    这是一个创建于 936 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    知名外资金融机构在深圳设立的研发中心,在深圳以外的候选人可以选在远程在家办公,全职,欧美公司文化,强调生活工作平衡,双休,不加班,并提供有竞争力薪酬,同时,员工可分享公司发展的成果 有兴趣请发邮件到 [email protected] , 以下为部分急招职位,

    Java 高级工程师 /专家

    ● Bachelor degree or above, major in computer science or related; ● You value clean and simple coding principles, with minimal 3 years hands on and up-to-date Java programming experiences, knowledge in Kotlin/Scala is a plus if you are not quite familiar with Java. ● As long as you are passionate about coding and writing beautiful code, you are the kind person we are looking for. ● Familiarity with functional and reactive non-blocking programming paradigm is a plus. ● Familiar with common open source frameworks, middleware and databases, including Spring, Redis, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Cucumber,PostgreSQL, MongoDB is a plus. ● Practical experience with public RESTful API, WebSocket service is a plus. ● Practical experience in large-scale distributed systems, familiar with the design, application and tuning of high-concurrency, high-performance distributed systems; ● Familiar with modern development methods, such as agile development, test-driven development and Scrum; ● Have good written and oral English. Have excellent communication skills. ● Practical experience in system reconstruction and microservice governance is preferred; ● Experience in the development and architecture of complex financial systems, e-commerce systems or trading systems is preferred; ● Practical experience in cloud architecture, DevOps, docker, kubernetes is preferred.

    Ruby 高级工程师

    • 熟悉 Ruby ,Ruby on Rails ,有 Golang 经验更佳
    • 编写高效,优雅,可重用以及安全的代码
    • 熟悉 Postgresql ,理解各种数据类型,索引构建及分析优化
    • 熟悉批量操作,增量操作及缓存等优化手段
    • 熟悉 Sidekiq ,理解 retry 机制,idempotency 概念
    • 熟悉 RESTful 及 GraphQL
    • 熟悉 CI/CD 工具
    • 熟悉 Docker, Kubernates 容器技术
    • 理解 Zero downtime deploy
    • 钱包,支付系统研发经验优先
    • 有高并发,大型微服务项目经验优先
    • 有从 0 到 1 构建优化并演进项目经验优先
    • 参与高质量开源项目经验优先

    测试开发工程师 .Bachelor degree or above, major in computer science or related with a minal 3 yrs of experience.  2.You are a software quality guy and obsessed with high quality software 3.You will be required to develop an automated test framework with preferably cucumber like libraries in Java  4.You will be required to develop and organize a well designed suite of test cases that can work seamlessly with the automated CI/CD pipelines. 5.You will make sure all the API services both in RESTful or WebSocket strictly adhere to the protocol standards both in happy or exceptional cases, all the APIs follow a standard of protocol that is intuitive to all the service users. 6.Familiarity with functional and reactive non-blocking programming paradigm is a plus.  7.Familiar with modern development methods, such as agile development, test-driven development and Scrum; 8.For the software test lead, you are expected to lead a group of test engineers to achieve your goals.  9.Have good written and oral English. Have excellent communication skills. 10.Experience in the development and architecture of complex financial systems, e-commerce systems or trading systems is preferred; 11.Practical experience in cloud architecture, DevOps, docker,  kubernetes is preferred.

    Pytyhon 高级工程师 /专家 工作职责: •  为交易系统设计+搭建+维护一个统一的数据仓库。核心将是一套时序数据库系统。设计目标:高可用、可伸缩、高效 • 设计+搭建+维护 数据库及数据管线 •  设计并迭代该数据中台所涉及到的数据模型 •  为该数据中台的用户提供高阶 / 定制化的服务,以满足业务方需求

    职位要求: •  具备扎实的 Java 开发经验 •  具备 Python 开发经验;拥有 Python 数据处理的经验将加分 •  具备 PostgreSQL / Cassandra 和搭建 Spark / Flink 数据库的经验 •  熟悉 Kafka / ZooKeeper / ElasticSearch 中间件: •  拥有时序数据库相关经验 (包括但不限于 Clickhouse, Influx, TimeScales, KDB 等等) •  具备交易撮合系统相关经验 (stock exchange / futures exchange) •  拥有交易撮合系统对接相关经验 (FIX 协议, WebSocket)

    3 条回复    2022-04-19 11:00:09 +08:00
       2022-04-02 18:44:48 +08:00
       2022-04-02 21:29:04 +08:00
    不明白啊不明白,有了 Python 为什么还有 Ruby 的岗?
       2022-04-19 11:00:09 +08:00
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