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[北京] 亚马逊 招聘 iOS/Android 工程师

  •   kyleduo · 2022-03-02 20:11:16 +08:00 · 1322 次点击
    这是一个创建于 967 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    此次招聘为 2022 年新增的 HC ,隶属于 InTech Mobile Shopping Foundation 部门,负责亚马逊 App 基础服务的研发。HC 数量不多,观望外企的同学可以抓住机会。


    • 目前在家办公,政策会持续下去,没有明确结束时间。
    • 965 ,时间灵活,作息健康。
    • 无内卷。质量 > 数量。

    需要内推请发简历到邮箱: [email protected]


    Job Summary

    Are you interested in developing cutting-edge technologies and products that are influencing hundreds of millions of people worldwide? Amazon International Tech Mobile Shopping Foundation (iMSF) team in China focusing on mobile innovations, and you could be a key member of it.

    Mobile is one of the fastest growing strategic businesses within Amazon. We are a group of people who are passionate about building scalable, well-designed software. We constantly improve our technical foundation and user experience. As Software Develop Engineer in International Tech, you’ll have huge impact on how customers interact with Amazon.

    Our team's goal is to help customers accomplish their shopping mission as quickly and easily as possible. This role will invent and build new mobile app experiences which link all of the context about who a customer is, where a customer is, and what they are interested in. We love to work with smart people who have a strong sense of ownership and strong engineering mindset. You provide mobile perspective and context for technology choices. You’re up to the challenge of device and mobile network limitations, device fragmentation, and other mobile development curve balls. You are motivated to tackle ambiguous situations with new technologies to rapidly produce prototypes. You outline paths from prototype to product. You contribute to the professional development of colleagues, improving their technical knowledge and the engineering practices on your team.


    我们是亚马逊 International Tech Mobile Shopping Foundation (iMSF) 团队。移动是亚马逊增长最快的战略业务之一,作为这支新团队的软件开发工程师,你的工作将对与 Amazon 的 Mobile App 的技术发展产生巨大和深远的影响。




    • You will architect new end-to-end customer experiences that bring shopping innovations to mobile audiences.
    • You deep-dive into client or server systems to optimize for performance, maintainability, scalability, extensibility as needed.
    • You propose innovative tools, frameworks, automations and processes that are used by the entire mobile organization.
    • You mentor team members to promote engineering excellence.
    • You are continually "looking around the corner" for the benefit of our customers and investing wholeheartedly in building amazing mobile shopping experiences.


    • 3+ years of software development experience in Java, C++, Objective C, Swift and/or React Native.
    • Experience developing high quality, large-scale consumer applications.
    • Firm understanding of software development principles, capabilities and limitations of mobile platforms (iOS and Android).
    • Good communication skills with technical and non-technical partners.
    • BS/MS in Computer Science or equivalent.


    • 2~3 years of Mobile App development experience on iOS or Android platform.
    • Experience building highly scalable, consumer-facing systems.
    • Expert in software engineering (process, architecture, algorithms, data structures) and knowledge of Agile methodologies is a bonus.
    • Passion for mobile development. We would love to hear about apps you’ve developed!
    • Be familiar with AWS is a plus.
    • English(verbal & writing) is a highly appreciated skill.
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