V2EX = way to explore
V2EX 是一个关于分享和探索的地方
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V2EX  ›  酷工作

上海][不加班][外企]招 Java (高级、资深)、测试、前端(资深)、安卓(高级、资深)、C++\C#、devOps

  •   xianshenglu · 2022-02-23 16:59:34 +08:00 · 904 次点击
    这是一个创建于 974 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    重要的事说 3 遍!

    • 找我内推,或,帮忙内推,成功送 5000 内推费!
    • 找我内推,或,帮忙内推,成功送 5000 内推费!
    • 找我内推,或,帮忙内推,成功送 5000 内推费!

    常年招 中高级 Java 、测试

    查看招聘岗位和详情,戳 BOSS 链接 拉钩链接


    资深 Java

    • base 35K 左右
    • 流利的英语

    高级安卓 Java


    • Design, implement and maintains Android related modules in UFT Mobile product.
    • Writing high quality feature specifications and/or design documents
    • Working smoothly with local and remote multi-geo R&D and non-R&D teams
    • Working according to high execution standards, while adhering to project goals and ensuring high quality


    • Bachelor or master’s degree in Computer Science, Information System, Software Engineering or equivalent
    • At least 2 years working experience in Java and Android App development
    • Solid Core Java programming skill
    • Enjoys difficult challenges, a problem solver.
    • Innovative/creative.
    • Solid English communication capabilities (verbal and written).
    • Experience in Android reverse engineering is an advantage.

    资深安卓( jd 即将出来)

    资深前端( jd 即将出来)

    • Base 35K

    找我内推,或,帮忙内推,成功送 5000 内推费!

    看到符合的岗位,请联系我内推: 微信搜 18221508921 ,备注 [v2ex-内推-职级-职位],如 v2ex-内推-高级-Java

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