V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  酷工作

Product Manager(Cloud Infrastructure),地点:上海陆家嘴地铁站

  •   fancyfrees · 2022-02-17 21:25:39 +08:00 · 1307 次点击
    这是一个创建于 980 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Product Manager(Cloud Infrastructure)


    #产品经理 #云计算
    交通 1000 ,手机 400 ,健身 400 ,宽带 400 ,实报实销
    不加班,灵活时间(可以早上 8:00-5:00.也可 9:00-6:00 )
    湾区 office:Uber 一个园区
    上海 office:陆家嘴地铁站
    Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or similar discipline
    ● 2+ years in a technical product management role in an enterprise setting
    ● 2+ years Program / Project management experience
    ● Strong understanding of cloud ecosystem including Kubernetes, public cloud, observability &security
    ● Strong understanding of infrastructure operation, service management
    ● Experience managing 3rd party vendors including contract negotiation
    ● Comfortable navigating a path forward when faced with ambiguity and unexpected challenges
    ● Strong technical leadership skills
    ● Fluent English
    ● Excellent written and verbal communication abilities
    ● Ability to build consensus amongst diverse groups
    ● Thrives in organizations with high levels of cross-team coordination/dependency
    ● Passion for delighting customers
    Passion for delighting customers
    Preferred Qualifications
    ● Product management experience with microservices based platforms
    ● Experience managing a global platform and associated compliance & regulatory requirements
    ● Expertise in one or more of following areas is preferred
    ● Expertise in one or more of following areas is preferred
    High performance cloud service
    Kubernetes based microservice cluster
    Connected vehicle space
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