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[上海] Afterpay 招聘 iOS / 安卓 开发工程师

  •   georgetso · 2021-11-30 23:08:42 +08:00 · 1430 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1060 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Hello 大家好, 从 v 站加入 afterpay 的同事已经有好多位了, 今天继续来发招聘需求.

    关于 afterpay 的介绍: https://v2ex.com/t/802057
    有兴趣可以联系: george.zuo#afterpay.com

    这次招聘的 iOS / 安卓 工程师有 5-6 个 HC, senior/junior 都有. 大致要求如下:

    The Role
    Afterpay is looking for iOS Engineers at our Shanghai Technology Center, to work on our consumer mobile applications. This is an exciting opportunity to build our mobile apps and make a direct, tangible impact on our product to help with Afterpay’s growth and success.

    Key Responsibilities
    • Build, test, and deploy features on our iOS mobile applications
    • Measure and optimize the performance of our iOS mobile applications
    • Collaborate with Product Managers and Designers on planning and implementing frictionless user experiences.

    Minimum Qualifications
    • Bachelors or Masters in CS, or relevant experience
    • 2+ years of professional iOS development experience
    • Command over one of the following programming languages: Swift, Objective-C
    • Experience with leveraging 3rd party tools and services for purposes such as user analytics, feature flagging, performance monitoring, etc
    • Solid understanding of mobile UI/UX best practices and standards
    • Deep understanding of RESTful API and application design
    • Exceptional written and verbal technical communication skills and fluent English

    The Role
    Afterpay is looking for Android Engineers at our Shanghai Technology Center, to work on our consumer mobile applications. This is an exciting opportunity to build our mobile apps and make a direct, tangible impact on our product to help with Afterpay’s growth and success.

    Key Responsibilities
    • Build, test, and deploy features on our Android mobile applications
    • Measure and optimize the performance of our Android mobile applications
    • Collaborate with Product Managers and Designers on planning and implementing frictionless user experiences.

    Minimum Qualifications
    • Bachelors or Masters in CS, or relevant experience
    • 2+ years of professional Android development experience
    • Command over one of the following programming languages: Kotlin, Java
    • Experience with leveraging 3rd party tools and services for purposes such as user analytics, feature flagging, performance monitoring, etc
    • Solid understanding of mobile UI/UX best practices and standards
    • Deep understanding of RESTful API and application design
    • Exceptional written and verbal technical communication skills and fluent English

    Preferred Qualifications
    • Understanding of backend development is a bonus.

    有兴趣可以联系: george.zuo#afterpay.com
    3 条回复    2021-12-06 21:12:10 +08:00
       2021-12-06 17:22:12 +08:00 via iPhone
    iOS 现在还有多少 HC 吗?
       2021-12-06 17:23:36 +08:00 via iPhone
    @ishall iOS 现在还有 HC 吗?有要求英语口语吗?
       2021-12-06 21:12:10 +08:00
    @ishall 有, 要求.
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