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[杭州] [内推] 挤破头都要往里冲的公司招 Web, C++, Java , DevOps 研发

  •   BIbestbest · 2021-11-14 18:40:46 +08:00 · 1972 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1076 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    [杭州] [内推] BI 领航企业 Web ,C++, Java, DevOps 研发

    想了解更多 MicroStrategy ,比如我们公司是做什么的,做的怎么样,可以看这个公众号文章: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/3r5GmHMxcuKFXHnoeKMdvQ


    Web: • 1 年以上 web 前端开发经验,或优秀的 2022 应届生也可以 • 熟练掌握 JavaScript • 良好的英文书面和口语沟通能力

    C++: • 1 年以上 C++开发经验,或优秀的 2022 应届生也可以 • 熟练掌握 C++ • 良好的英文书面和口语沟通能力

    Java: • 1 年以上 Java 开发经验 • 熟练掌握 Java 服务端或客户端开发 • 熟悉 Restful 和 微服务架构是加分项 • 良好的英文书面和口语沟通能力

    DevOps: • 1 年以上 DevOps 相关经验,或优秀的 2022 应届生也可以 • 熟练多种开发语言,熟悉 Linux 开发环境 • 良好的英文书面和口语沟通能力


    美资外企, 福利优渥,上班不打卡,弹性工作制。周一在家工作。10-20 天带薪年假,10 天带薪病假。 法定五险一金,优质的商业医疗、人身意外等综合保险计划,同时我们为员工的家人提供附加的商业医疗、意外保险,确保员工及家人的综合医疗及意外保障,还有年度体检、节日贺礼、入司周年礼、生日大礼包及各种祝福奖励。 Work life balance, 工作氛围好,环境佳,每天研磨咖啡,新鲜水果,免费健身房和每个季度健身奖励。 更有去美国或者波兰工作交流的机会。


    杭州黄龙万科中心 A 座 (紧挨市中心武林广场,离西湖也很近)


    [email protected] 有任何疑问都可以联系我 如果已经从其他渠道投递过简历,恕不能再次内推。

    ******以下是正儿八经的介绍,和职位详情。 2nd Floor

    5 条回复    2022-01-25 13:52:31 +08:00
       2021-11-14 18:42:09 +08:00
    微策略中国研发中心 MicroStrategy China Technology Center (简称 CTC )是微策略全球最大的海外研发中心和技术支持中心,创建于 2007 年,目前拥有 300 多名员工。CTC 坐落在美丽的杭州西子湖畔,办公环境优雅舒适。90%以上的技术工程师拥有海内外知名大学的硕士或博士背景。作为全球最大的海外研发中心,CTC 的工程师全程参与到核心产品的设计、开发与测试,是微策略全球技术团队中最重要的力量。


    [Web 研发]
    Job Description
    • Lead the design and implementation of MicroStrategy software platforms, applications, and features.
    • Proactively participate in every aspect of the entire software development lifecycle of feature development, including input on specifications, designs, implementation, test design, test implementation, optimization, and delivery.
    • Support technical support engineers with high-level and escalated customer issues.
    • Participate in peer code reviews, knowledge sharing, and SCRUM meetings.
    • Learn an array of new technologies and make enhancements and improvements to software products and development processes.
    • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or similar program; Master’s degree is preferred.
    • Minimum 1 year of software development experience with real world knowledge of data structures, algorithms, operation systems, and other fundamental concepts.
    • Strong knowledge of Java or JavaScript is required.
    • Familiarity with React, ES6 or REST is a plus.
    • Have any knowledge of Java frameworks like Jersey, Spring, servlet technologies, Java web containers like Jetty, Tomcat, etc. is a good plus.
    • Strong debugging, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
    • Good communication in English, team-oriented individual, energetic, strong learning ability, result and delivery oriented.

    Your Focus:
    • Lead the design and implementation of MicroStrategy software platforms, applications, and features.
    • Proactively participate in every aspect of the entire software development lifecycle of feature development, including input on specifications, designs, implementation, test design, test implementation, optimization, and delivery.
    • Support technical support engineers with high-level and escalated customer issues.
    • Participate in peer code reviews, knowledge sharing, and SCRUM meetings.
    • Learn an array of new technologies and make enhancements and improvements to software products and development processes.

    • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or similar program; Master’s degree is preferred.
    • Minimum 1 year of software development experience with real world knowledge of data structures, algorithms, operation systems, and other fundamental concepts.
    • Strong C++ skills in client or server-side development.
    • Familiarity with SQL, RDBMS, JNI, JDBC or web services is a good plus.
    • Strong debugging, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
    • Good communication in English, team-oriented individual, energetic, strong learning ability, result and delivery oriented.

    [Java 研发]
    Your Focus:
    • Lead the design and implementation of MicroStrategy software platforms, applications, and features.
    • Proactively participate in every aspect of the entire software development lifecycle of feature development, including input on specifications, designs, implementation, test design, test implementation, optimization, and delivery.
    • Support technical support engineers with high-level and escalated customer issues.
    • Participate in peer code reviews, knowledge sharing, and SCRUM meetings.
    • Learn an array of new technologies and make enhancements and improvements to software products and development processes.
    • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or similar program; Master’s degree is preferred.
    • Minimum 1 year of software development experience with real world knowledge of data structures, algorithms, operation systems, and other fundamental concepts.
    • Strong Java skills in client or server-side development.
    • Familiarity with SQL, RDBMS, JNI, JDBC or web services is a good plus.
    • Familiarity with the Restful and MicroService framework is a plus.
    • Strong debugging, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
    • Good communication in English, team-oriented individual, energetic, strong learning ability, result and delivery oriented.

    [DevOps 研发]
    Job Description
    • Design and develop development infrastructure and tools from front-end to back-end using a number of languages including Java, JavaScript, C++, Objective-C, Python, Ruby, etc.
    • Use Cloud, container, Jenkins, etc Devops common tools to develop CI/CD product.
    • Collaborate with other teams to accelerate development productivity and improve innovation in high visibility roles
    • Analyze and improve efficiency, user experience, scalability, and stability of development tools and systems to help scale and speed up the company
    • Innovate in all software engineering lifecycle to develop the world-class infrastructure that significantly changes the approach of software development
    • Develop systems through their entire lifecycle: requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, optimization, release and enhancement
    • Creatively utilize open source technologies and contribute back to open source infrastructure
    • Share cutting-edge technologies and support fellow team members in an open, collaborative atmosphere
    • Familiar with multiple development languages, not limited to Ruby/Bash/Python, etc., familiar with Linux development environment
    • Bachelor degree or above, solid foundation in the field of computer software
    • Good oral communication skills in English
    • Good learning ability
       2021-11-15 09:00:41 +08:00
       2022-01-17 13:54:45 +08:00
    @thomaspaine 地铁机场快线开通后,2 站直达西湖文化广场哦。

    午休去黄龙洞翻山,去玉泉看鱼 :)
       2022-01-17 13:55:11 +08:00
       2022-01-25 13:52:31 +08:00
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