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[北京] Freewheel 互联网广告 SRE Lead/Senior SRE

  •   dreampuf · 2021-09-18 19:12:15 +08:00 · 1495 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1133 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    Email: c29kZHlxdWVAZ21haWwuY29tCg==
    base64 -d <<< c29kZHlxdWVAZ21haWwuY29tCg==

    WeChat: ZHJlYW1wdWYK
    base64 -d <<< ZHJlYW1wdWYK


    • 帮你直接对接未来 Manager
    • 补充上下文(欢迎留言)


    • 语言是加分项,不是关键,大胆来尝试吧
    • 技术岗位,希望你对技术充满热情
    • 支持肉翻,也有相应职位(直接补坑,合适就能去)
    • 不推崇八股,只是需要一些主题以达到最大互相了解的可能
    • 工作时间弹性,给予员工较大自由度。另外取决于 on-call 与否(大部分同学都会有直属的 production service 需要负责)。如果业务质量不行,那就一起改进它吧!
    • 技术栈:Python/Ansible/K8S/AWS/Kafka/Cassadra/MySQL


    SRE Lead-BJ-OPS-北京-00588

    公司 /部门: FreeWheel - BJO-OPS - Production Operations 职位类别: 互联网后端开发 工作时间: 全职
    地点: 北京 人数: 1
    薪资://TODO 🐶


    • Lead and drive the transformation of the operations team into a next-generation SRE team.
    • Identify opportunities in the current environment and implement automated solutions.
    • Perform “buy versus build” analysis and align various teams on the direction.
    • Provide design and implementation guidance and train team members in authoring infrastructure as code with best practices, tool use, and quality assurance.
    • We are looking for someone who can help carry a proposal all the way to completion.


    • Rich experience with different tooling and modern technologies in previous job functions
    • Strong knowledge in authoring infrastructure-as-code solutions, initiating hybrid cloud strategy, and providing all-around efficiency via automation
    • Established track record collaborating with different departments to provide management team the necessary information in making a company-wide impacting technical decision
    • Hands-on experience with some of these technologies:
    • o Cloud (AWS specific is a big plus): VPC, subnets, network access control lists, security groups, EC2 instances, S3 buckets, IAM, Route 53, Lambda
    • o Languages: Python, Go, HTML, JavaScript, RESTFul web service
    • o SDLC tools: Containers, Kubernetes, Docker, Salt, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Jenkins, Git
    • o Operations: Linux administration, network security, system infrastructure
    • Excellent learning ability, logical thinking, and meticulous; enjoy exploring new technology
    • Proficient written and verbal communication skills in English
    • Computer-related major with a degree is preferred

    Senior Site Reliability Engineer (SRE, T2 team)-Hiring for US-北京-00847

    公司 /部门: FreeWheel 职位类别: 互联网后端开发 工作时间: 全职
    地点: 北京 人数: 1
    薪资:25k ~ 38k


    • Provide effective operational and technical solutions for day-to-day tickets. Partner with Service Engineers to manage and deliver successful solutions.
    • Understand customer needs to help shape FreeWheel strategy and be a champion bridging our customer's needs to engineer's implementation.
    • As a member of the Tier 2 team, responsibility and tasks include:
    • Provide recommendations and best practices to customers, in the process of customer engagements and work involvement.
    • Code level debugging for issues that are escalated to the team.
    • Develop smart tools and automate debugging process at the best.
    • Practice patching the system with more protections. Make operations/maintenance of FreeWheel platform more intelligent and user-friendly.
    • Become familiar with the software release cycle and tools. Work closely with Operations and SDE teams to ensure new software releases are well monitored, and be able to come up with resolutions quickly upon urgent issues.
    • Automate time-consuming & error-prone manual processes.
    • Support live events such as Super Bowl, Olympic Games, March Madness, World Cup. Take part in the integration discussion and work on implementation before the event. Monitor and debug during the event. Provide daily reports and postmortem points.
    • Channel customer's feedback to FreeWheel product and engineering teams, and assist in prioritizing product requirements by communicating customer needs and impact; drive operational improvements based on customer insights.
    • Be able to work on weekends during the on-call schedule.

    • Strong communication skills – this position requires a significant amount of client interaction.
    • and 2nd level support for tickets coming in from Support/NOC, giving regular updates in tickets according to SLA.
    • Based on the follow-the-sun model, receiving urgent tickets from the last shift and handing over unresolved ones to the next shift.
    • Configuring and maintaining test environment.
    • Reproducing and verifying bugs, system performance issues, and escalating to the right team.
    • Troubleshooting player issues on endpoints like different browsers, mobile devices, etc.
    • Troubleshooting issues in Front End UI, Back End Server, and SQL/NoSQL Database.
    • Related experience implementing technical, B2B online services; experience working with customer's support team
    • Solid skills in developing and debugging server-side applications or web services in either one of the languages such as Python, Go, ROR, C/C++, or Java. • Knowledge of database structure and SQL. • Experience with AWS is a plus. • Detail-oriented, flexible and work well in a global team. • Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science or related field.


    最近一次母公司( Comcast )发的福利,环球影城内测: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/q0ZGxtr-sQdfnV-UuIGvLw

    • 薪资:具有竞争力的薪资和年终绩效奖金
    • 健康
      • 完善且覆盖面广泛的补充医疗保险计划
      • 寿险、意外伤害以及重大疾病保险
      • 年度体检以及牙齿健康护理
      • 海外差旅保险
      • 女员工补充生育保险
      • 员工援助计划( EAP )
    • 福利
      • 最长每年 25 天的带薪年假
      • 健康美味的自助午餐
      • 进口零食无限量供应
      • 咖啡、健康饮品无限畅饮
      • 员工班车
      • 员工生日会、入职周年庆祝
      • 学习发展基金
      • 年度出游
    • 保障
      • 基本社会保险
      • 公积金按照最高比例缴纳
      • 商业补充养老金( 401K )计划
      • 家属补充医疗计划
      • 家属寿险、意外伤害以及重大疾病保险
    • 生活
      • 弹性工作制
      • 舒适、人性化的办公环境
      • 母婴室、睡眠室、培训室、头脑风暴室
      • 丰富多彩的员工兴趣小组
      • FreeWheel Summer Friday
      • 团建活动基金
    2 条回复    2021-09-23 17:14:59 +08:00
       2021-09-23 10:49:42 +08:00
       2021-09-23 17:14:59 +08:00
    @xiyiailoli 你好,校招已结束,不再接受新的申请
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