V2EX = way to explore
V2EX 是一个关于分享和探索的地方
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V2EX  ›  酷工作

搜索工程师,地点:北京朝阳区东三环(外企),工作时间:早上 9:00-下午 5:30

  •   fancyfrees · 2021-08-18 19:57:40 +08:00 · 893 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1165 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    年假第一年 12 天,第二年 15 天,
    商业医疗保险(可带子女 /配偶)

    邮箱: [email protected] #job

    The Senior Product Software Engineer is responsible for designing and optimizing search algorithm in our online product. The position will utilize technology skills to improve search experience for our product. The position will work with product manager, editors, other engineers to deliver product with quality.
    Essential Duties and responsibilities
    Lead the designing and development of the search algorithm, continuously improve search algorithm and enhance customer search experience.
    Improve search capability from full-text search to natural language search.
    Responsible for core module development, provide solution for key technical issues and control the risk of software development.
    Other Duties
    May occasionally interview and hire software engineers.
    May perform other duties as assigned by management.
    Job Qualifications
    Education: Bachelor degree or above
    Minimum: Bachelor degree
    Preferred: Master degree, 211/985 university
    Experience: more than 4-year search engine related development experience
    Minimum: 5-year working experience
    Preferred: Internet product experience is preferred
    Other Knowledge, Skills, Abilities or Certifications:
    Excellent experience with Lucene/Solr search development.
    Experience with agile software development methodologies (e.g. Scrum).
    Experience with daily offshore development interaction is preferred.
    Wide exposure to Java-based technologies on medium-large software projects.
    Experience with natural language search is preferred.
    Highly motivated self-starter and good team player.
    Able to work independently and responsibly on assigned projects.
    Ability to absorb and analyse new technologies and practices.
    Ability to effectively manage software development projects and deliver applications on time, on quality and on budget.
    首选:211/985 大学硕
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