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[上海外企][955 不加班][内推] 招 Firmware Engineer 和 Imaging Scientist

  •   nanhuier · 2021-06-18 15:00:12 +08:00 · 1196 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1226 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Firmware Engineer

    Requirments • Must have a B.S degree in Software Engineering/Computer Science/Electronics. • 3+ years experience in embedded software development or software architect design. • Be proficient in C/C++ programming experiences, Linux & Free RTOS on STM32 Platform

    Responsibility • Responsible for definition of the firmware system requirement specification and appropriate system architecture • Deliver quality embedded software solutions to new product in a timely manner • Maintain current knowledge regarding new developments and trends in software engineering and related fields

    Imaging Scientist

    Requirments • Doctor degree in Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineer, Compute Science and strong technical foundation in engineering design principles. • Experience with CT or any X-ray medical imaging device is preferred. • Software development experiences including but not limited to C#, C/C++, VB, Python or Java. • Proficient in computer graphics, image visualization/rendering engine • Experiences in DICOM/HL7 protocol

    Responsibility • Perform image evaluation for CBCT and X-ray medical imaging device by optimizing the parameters of image capture & processing. • Develop image process library for X-ray medical imaging devices and particularly gain the ability of developing CBCT reconstruction algorithm as platform code.

    上班地点:长宁区淞虹路 传统制造业,待遇比不了一线大厂,主要是 5 点就能下班闪人,领导 nice,请假方便。 年假 12 天起, 带薪病假 12 天。 VX:bmFuaHVpZXI=

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