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[北京] 外资移动广告平台招聘:资深前端工程师 - HTML5,React.js/Vue.js

  •   Vungle · 2021-06-04 08:23:22 +08:00 · 881 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1232 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    关于 Vungle

    作为一家值得信赖的全球化移动互联网广告平台,Vungle 专注于为开发者提供最优质的流量变现,以及帮助广告主获取活跃度极高的高质量用户。同时,Vungle 也致力于改变用户获取应用内广告体验的方式。开发者借助 Vungle 独特新颖的广告形式,实现在应用内流量变现的最大化。广告主通过 Vungle 的平台在全球范围展示其广告来获取用户和提升高价值用户的留存。

    Vungle 一直以数据为导向并基于用户体验,不断创造新颖广告格式、广告素材等产品。目前为止,Vungle 广告创意已覆盖超过 10 亿台移动设备,帮助广告主和流量主提高互动和回报。Vungle 总部位于美国旧金山,并在全球范围包括北京、伦敦、柏林、东京、首尔、新加坡、洛杉矶、纽约及赫尔辛基设有分公司。

    Vungle 一直以数据为导向并基于用户体验,不断创造新颖广告格式、广告素材等产品。目前为止,Vungle 广告创意已覆盖超过 10 亿台移动设备,帮助广告主和流量主提高互动和回报。Vungle 总部位于美国旧金山,并在全球范围包括北京、伦敦、柏林、东京、首尔、新加坡、洛杉矶、纽约及赫尔辛基设有分公司。


    邮箱: [email protected]

    The Applications team builds the systems that connects Vungle’s publishers with advertisers and manages the applications,  campaigns, creatives (bonus points for knowing what all that means) and everything else that feed into our ad serving pipeline.

    We’re a group of full-stack, JS-focused (Node.js, React, Redux) engineers. While you’ll definitely be helping to write backend API code, we are focused on creating amazing front-ends for all different types of end users such as admins, the biggest publishers/advertisers in mobile, and indie devs. We want you to hit the ground running and begin adding new features within a couple of weeks; but don’t worry, the team will help you get up-to-speed!

    So what’s the day-to-day look like? It’s a lot of coding, a decent amount of code reviews and unit testing, some discussions with end users and product teams, and most importantly, very few meetings. We want engineers who are looking to grow, build awesome features, and play a role in the expansion of our team.

    - Design, develop and deploy reusable front-end components to enhance our publishing client & internal team dashboards.
    - Work with our product team (designers and product managers) to build user-focused features/tools/systems.
    - Contribute to and improve accessibility of the self-serve platform by working directly with internal clients to develop interfaces that are user-friendly.
    - Implement controls within the interfaces team for engineers to have more control over their own deployments utilizing the custom testing framework.

    - Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related fields and 5 years relevant experience.
    - At least 4 years experience in frontend development with the following: Javascript, CSS, and HTML5.
    - Experience working in an Agile(ish) development team.
    - 2+ years and at least 1 MV* javascript framework experience, such as: Backbone.js, Angular.js, React.js, Vue.js and etc.
    - Knowledge of CSS tools, such as SASS/LESS, Bootstrap/Foundation.
    - Fullstack knowledge is a plus.
    - Previous ad-tech experience is a plus.
    - Fluent English communication skill

    About Vungle:

    Vungle is the trusted guide for growth and engagement, transforming how people discover and experience apps. Mobile application developers partner with Vungle to monetize their apps through innovative in-app ad experiences that are inspired by insight and crafted with creativity. Advertisers depend on Vungle to reach, acquire, and retain high-value users worldwide. Vungle’s data-optimized ads run on over 1 billion unique devices to drive engagement and increase returns for publishers and advertisers ranging from indie studios to powerhouse brands. The company is headquartered in San Francisco and has offices around the world in London, Berlin, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore, Los Angeles, New York, and Helsinki. 

    For more information, visit vungle.com or follow the company on LinkedIn.
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