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[FinTech 社区] 招聘:数据开发/数据分析/大数据-区块链公司-新加坡

  •   ITrecruit1 · 2021-04-29 08:15:43 +08:00 · 796 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1277 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    FinTech 社区是一个拥有 50,000+ 会员的金融科技社群,旨在为金融科技行业赋能,致力于金融科技行业资源共享社群。我们目前有机器学习群,技术群,量化群,校招群,数据开发群等等。

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    [FinTech 社区] 招聘:数据开发 /数据分析 /大数据-区块链公司-新加坡

    大家好,我是 Lucy@FinTech 社区,最近区块链行业非常火热,职位很多,薪资可以给到高于头部互联网大厂,地点在新加坡,公司提供工作签证办理。

    正在热招数据开发 /数据分析 /大数据-知名区块链公司,一共 8 个岗位。

    欢迎加入 FinTech 社区-数据群,一起提认知,攒人脉,求职招聘,投资有术!



    2 年以上数仓开发经验,熟悉使用 SQL,对 SQL 优化经验丰富,熟悉使用 SparkSQL ;
    深入理解 DW,BI 相关的知识,包括:ETL 、数据仓库、OLAP 、多维数据模型等;
    至少熟悉 Python 、Scala 、Java 其中一门语言编程;
    具备 Hadoop2 、Hive 、Spark/Streaming/Flink 、Kafka 、Flume 、Presto 、kylin 等大数据技术使用经验优先。

    二、招聘:Big Data Engineer

    the architecture design and R&D of the company's platform, ensuring project schedule and quality.
    verification and implementation of new open source technologies, and promoting technology evolution of the data platform.

    Familiar with Java or Scala development, understand principle of JVM and familiar with common framework (Spring, Mybatis).
    Familiar with distributed system, caching, message and other mechanism with experience in Zookeeper, Redis, Kafka.
    Familiar with Hadoop, Spark, Flink, Clickhouse, Hive, ElasticSearch, DataX, Canal and other open source software on big data processing.

    三、招聘:Data Product Manager

    Responsible for data product planning, research, functional design, produce PRD and prototype design, and promote high-quality and efficient implementation of data products.
    Responsible for the construction and implementation of the user label system in the data centre, and cooperate with the algorithm and business team to empower users to bring new features, activity operations, cost optimization and security risk control.

    3~5 years of work experience as a product manager in the middle and backstage.
    Have 0-1 data product implementing experience, and be familiar with at least one prototyping tool, such as Axure, Moknife.
    Familiar with data products such as Tableau, Sensor Data, Google Analytics, etc.

    四、招聘:Test Engineer (Big Data)

    Responsible for data accuracy and complete testing of the big data department, including functional testing, black box testing, automated testing, etc 。
    Independently design and execute design use cases, carry out defect tracking, make test plans, and collaborate with development to realize test activities at various stages 。
    Develop test tools or automation solutions to improve test efficiency 。

    More than 3 years of software development or automated test framework development experience.
    Familiar with python, SQL development language.

    二、招聘:Senior Data Mining Engineer

    Research on user behavior/preferences based on massive user data, and construct a user profile label system, such as demographic attribute labels, consumer labels, interest preference labels, and ID-mapping data.
    Improve and optimize the user portrait labeling system through machine learning/deep learning technology to increase label coverage.

    Familiar with user portrait (DMP) system construction, able to achieve accurate crowd orientation through user portrait modeling and other technologies.
    Master commonly used models such as machine learning/deep learning, be able to extract high-level portrait labels through algorithms and be able to predict and fill missing labels to improve user portrait label coverage.
    Proficiency in using at least one deep learning framework, such as tensorflow, pytorch, Caffe, etc.; proficient in at least one programming language, including but not limited to python/java/scala/go.

    六、招聘:Data Analyst

    Conducting analysis of user and business behavior.
    Evaluating performance against KPIs and big data to find growth opportunities.
    Attracting user through the use of efficient channels to boost user growth.

    At least 3-5 year's experience in data analysis.
    Proficient in SQL, Tableau, or Hive.
    Experience in e-commerce company is required.

    七、招聘:Senior Data Analyst / Lead

    Conduct in-depth analysis of business issues and provide data support for the company's operational decisions, marketing strategies, and product directions.
    Conduct A/B testing and refine product.
    Refine data product requirements, collaborate with related teams, and promote the implementation of data products.

    Minimum 8 years of data analysis work experience with minimum 5 years of management experience.
    Proficient in SQL, Tableau, or Hive.
    Experience in e-commerce company is required.

    八、招聘:Python Data Engineer (Tech)

    Data gathering, validation, cleansing, consolidation and analysis, working with large set of data through database and streams.
    Design, development, maintenance and improvement of risk data architecture.
    Implement relevant data models; harmonise and cleanse data to support analytics initiatives.

    At least 2-3 years of software development experience using python.
    Master various data analysis libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Scipy, Numba.
    Experience working with database like MySql, Elasticsearch, Redis and Kafka.

    简历邮箱: [email protected]

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