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[新加坡] 东南亚电商 Shopee 急召 DS、DA、BI、DPM

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  •   Alex456 · 2021-04-26 16:46:44 +08:00 · 581 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1280 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    千亿美元上市公司 Shopee 处于业务快速发展期,急缺各种数据人才。外企文化,人文关怀好,以下岗位都是 ld 直聊,如能快速到岗经验要求可适当放宽,有意者请加微信:itsacircle,详聊。

    Data Scientist

    Job Description
    o Build CLV Models to understand and predict users’ behaviours across their entire lifetime cycle. Data-driven to generate relevant insights to support business decision, improve operational efficiency, and user CLV.
    o Lead the development of data products, including the establishment of data warehouses, data mining, cleaning, and the establishment of intelligent decision-making engines; research and establishment of business index systems to optimize user CRM.
    o Responsible for evaluation of experiments, including designing experiments, executing experiments, doing experimental analysis and providing recommendations for business decisions.
    o Participate in the construction of platform data science functions, and build DMP user portraits used in different scenarios to empower user-growth


    o Master's degree or above in statistics, mathematics, computer science and other related majors (doctoral degree is preferred).
    o 2+ years of industry experience in data analysis, data science, data engineering and/or business intelligence, comfortable working with large datasets and conducting complex data analysis using SQL, Python or R.
    o Good knowledge in statistical methods, classical machine learning (classification, regression, clustering, etc), deep learning etc.
    o Good communication skills to explain Tech. solutions to non-technical people.



    o 建立 CLV 模型以了解和预测用户整个生命周期内的行为。数据驱动产生业务洞察,以支持业务决策,提高运营效率和用户 CLV 。
    o 主导数据产品的开发,包括数据仓库的建立,数据挖掘,清理以及智能决策引擎的建立;研究和建立用于优化用户 CRM 的业务指标体系。
    o 负责设计评估实验,包含设计实验、执行实验、实验分析并给业务决策提供方案。
    o 参与平台数据科学功能建设,建立应用于不同场景 DMP 用户画像,赋能用户增长业务。


    o 拥有统计学、数学、计算机科学等相关专业硕士以上学位(博士优先)。
    o 2 年以上数据、分析、数据科学、数据工程和 /或商业智能方面的行业经验,可以熟练处理大型数据集并使用 SQL,Python 或 R 进行复杂的数据分析。
    o 精通统计方法,经典机器学习(分类,回归,聚类等),深度学习等常用算法。
    o 善于与非技术人员沟通技术方案。

    Algorithm Engineer

    Job Description
    Including but not limited to:
    o Responsible for user CLV prediction, establishing real-time prediction model, and responsible for basic algorithm and strategy research of CLV system in multiple scenarios.
    o Responsible for the feature engineering of algorithms, continue to expand business tags, mine user portraits, and continuously improve prediction accuracy.
    o Build and optimize the algorithm architecture, improve forecasting efficiency, and develop data products and decision-making tools based on business scenarios.


    o Bachelor degree or above in computer or related majors, more than 1 year of Internet work experience.
    o Familiar with at least one programming languages such as python/java/C++/Scala, and familiar with common big data processing frameworks such as spark/hadoop.
    o A solid machine learning foundation, able to apply commonly used machine learning models to solve practical business problems proficiently, project experience with mainstream deep learning models is preferred.
    o Good logical thinking ability, data analysis ability, good at analyzing and solving problems.
    o Advertising/recommendation/search work experience is preferred.



    o 负责用户 CLV 的预测,建立实时预测模型,负责多场景下 CLV 系统的基础算法和策略研究。
    o 负责算法的特征工程,持续拓展业务标签、挖掘用户画像,不断提升预测精度。
    o 搭建并优化算法架构,提升预测效率,结合业务场景开发数据产品及决策工具。


    o 计算机或相关专业本科及以上学历,1 年以上的互联网工作经历。
    o 熟练掌握 python/java/C++/Scala 等一门或以上的编程语言,熟练掌握 spark/hadoop 等常用大数据处理框架。
    o 扎实的机器学习基础,能够熟练应用常用的机器学习模型解决实际的业务问题,有主流深度学习模型的项目实践经验优先。
    o 良好的逻辑思维能力, 数据分析能力,善于分析和解决问题。
    o 广告 /推荐 /搜索的工作经历优先。

    Data Analyst/ Business Intelligence

    Job Description
    o Carding and designing data indicator systems, establishing data analysis models, outputting data analysis frameworks and analysis reports in line with business needs, and assist business decisions.
    o Communicate with the product and business teams to understand business processes, provide insights based on business resuls.
    o Research industry trends and competition information, analyze the change trend of user demands, and diagnose business problems through multi-dimensional analysis, discovering risks, excavation opportunities, providing optimization suggestions for business.
    o Provide data analysis and insights which can be translated to data-driven products. Improve the dataization and intelligence of business team.

    o Bachelor or above in Computer Science, Information Technology, Statistics, Mathematics, and other related majors.
    o At least 2 years experience in data analytics.
    o At least 2 years experience in python and SQL.
    o Self-starter with the ability to work in a fast-paced, performance-driven environment.
    o Strong problem solving, quantitative and analytical abilities - critical and logical thinking.
    o Passion for problem-solving, improving and/or implementing processes.
    o Highly motivated, structured and methodical with a high degree of initiative.
    o Able to work independently or cross functionally.
    o Compliance with the following conditions: Massive data processing experience with Hive, Hadoop, Spark and other platforms

    数据分析师 /BI


    o 梳理和设计数据指标体系,建立数据分析模型,输出符合业务需求的数据分析框架和分析报告,辅助业务决策。
    o 与产品团队和业务团队沟通,了解业务流程,以业务结果为导向输出业务洞察。
    o 研究行业趋势和竞品信息,分析用户诉求的变化趋势,通过多维度的分析诊断业务问题,发现风险,挖掘机会点,为业务提供优化建议。
    o 将数据分析思路和框架沉淀为数据产品解决方案,策划数据产品并推动落地,提升各团队的数据化和智能化程度。

    o 计算机科学、信息技术、统计学、数学等相关专业本科及以上。
    o 至少 2 年以上数据分析经验。
    o 至少 2 年以上 python 和 SQL 经验。
    o 能够在快节奏、以业绩为导向的环境中工作的自我激励。
    o 具有较强的解决问题、定量和分析能力, 热衷于解决问题和改进流程。
    o 积极性高,有条理,有条理,主动性强。
    o 具有较好的(跨团队)沟通能力与组织协调能力
    o 符合以下条件优先: 有 Hive 、Hadoop 、Spark 等平台的海量数据处理经验

    Data Product Manager

    Job Description
    o Responsible for CLV-related data construction, including but not limited to business data insight analysis, underlying database table design, internal and external data capabilities, and analytical tools and data platform iteration, etc.
    o Establish a scientific and reasonable business assessment indicators, discovery business issues or opportunities based on data analysis, design and deliver industry-leading product solutions, and precipitate methods and tools.
    o Responsible in demand and project management, follow-up development / test / online / application, and continuously improve product delivery efficiency and quality.
    o Responsible for evaluation of experiments, including designing experiments, executing experiments, doing experimental analysis and providing recommendations for business decisions.

    o Bachelor or above in Computer Science, Information Technology, Statistics, Mathematics, and other related majors.
    o 2+ years of experience or complex data platform construction experience or advertising/e-commercial related experience, be passionate and curious to data products.
    o Be sensitive to data, excellent business comprehension and logic, good at communication and expression.
    o Quality of product thinking, innovative thinking, project management, team cooperation.
    o Flexibility to learn new skills and knowledge.
    o Energetic, positive attitude and team player.
    o Highly motivated, structured and methodical with a high degree of initiative.
    o Able to work independently or cross functionally.
    o Master common data analysis and processing methods, SQL skilled, actual experience with data-driven business is preferred



    o 负责 CLV 相关的数据建设,以数据能力驱动业务目标达成,包括但不限于业务数据洞察分析、底层数据库表设计、内外部数据能力打通、分析工具&数据平台迭代等。
    o 建立科学合理的业务评估指标,基于数据分析发现业务问题或机会点,设计并交付行业领先的产品解决方案,并沉淀方法和工具。
    o 做好需求和项目管理,跟进开发 /测试 /上线 /应用全过程,持续提升产品的交付效率和质量。
    o 负责设计评估实验,包含设计实验、执行实验、实验分析并给业务决策提供方案。

    o 计算机、数学、统计、信息系统等相关专业本科及以上学历。
    o 2 年以上广告 /电商等经验或复杂数据平台建设经验,对数据产品有热情和好奇心。
    o 对数据敏感,具备优秀的业务理解能力和逻辑归纳能力,善于沟通和表达,有数据驱动业务的 sense 。
    o 具有产品思维、创新思维、项目管理、团队合作的综合能力,价值观正,知行合一。
    o 能够在快节奏和敏捷环境中工作。
    o 灵活地学习新技能和知识。
    o 掌握常见的数据分析和处理方法,SQL 熟练,有数据驱动业务的实战经验者优先。
       2021-04-26 18:54:40 +08:00
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