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国外一些 web 前端博客推荐~

  •   xiamuguizhi ·
    xiamuguizhi · 2021-04-22 15:21:08 +08:00 · 2911 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1275 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    1. Codrops: Codrops is a web design and development blog that publishes articles and tutorials about the latest web trends, techniques and new possibilities.

    2. David Walsh: David is based in Wisconsin where he works as a senior web developer and an evangelist for Mozilla. He is interested in frontend technologies, including HTML/5, CSS, JavaScript, as well as frameworks like jQuery, Dojo Toolkit and MooTools (to which he is a core contributor).

    3. Smashing Magazine: More than a blog, Smashing Magazine is an online platform and eBook publisher that covers professional resources for web developers and designers. Apart from its main editorial activities, Smashing Magazine organizes web design conferences in Europe and North America (Smashing Conference)

    4. 2ality: Dr. Axel Rauschmayer is a Munich-based web developer, who writes about JavaScript, mobile computing. Rauschmayer writes in detail about the foundations and evolution of the JavaScript, in particular current and future versions of ECMAScript. He organizes the MunichJS user group and wrote the O’Reilly book “Speaking JavaScript”.

    5. qFox: Peter van der Zee is frontend developer from Netherlands. He specializes in JavaScript / ECMASCript, parsers, and low level JS performance.

    6. Flows of Energy : Berlin-based Marijn Haverbeke is an independent developer and author. He spends most of his time working on open source software, such as the CodeMirror editor and the Tern type inference engine. He recently won the JS1K—JavaScript demo in 1024 bytes—contest, and is the author of a wide range of open-source software.

    7. The Haystack: Stephen Hay is a Californian web developer living in the Netherlands. Stephen is a popular speaker on the subjects of CSS, web accessibility, (web)design and open web standards, and has published several articles on these subjects, as well as a book on web design workflow.

    8. John Papa: Papa is a Google Developer Expert and Microsoft Regional Director. He also creates courses for Pluralsight. He is a an active speaker at conferences and events, specializes in professional application development with technologies including Windows, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, Silverlight, WPF, C#, .NET and SQL Server.

    9. James Long: Long is a web developer at Mozilla, working on Firefox Developer Tools. One of his many projects is a fork of LLJS that compiles to asm.js. He is interested in new JavaScript frameworks, node.js and iOS development.

    10. SpeckyBoy: Founded by a coalition of front end designers in 2007, SpeckyBoy has accumulated a big following on social media as a hub for design-minded front-end developers.

    11. Webapplog: Azat Mardan works as a Technology Fellow at Capital One Financial Corporation and has over 14 years of experience in web, mobile, and software development. He writes about Node.js, MongoDB, Express,js and JavaScript and about startups generally. He also has a series of tutorials on these topics.

    12. NCZ Online: Nicholas C. Zakas was the frontend tech lead for the Yahoo homepage. He is the author of many books, including Maintainable JavaScript, Professional JavaScript for Web Developers and High Performance JavaScript. Active speaker at conferences, hosts many open-source projects.

    13. Brad Frost: Brad Frost is a web designer, speaker, consultant, musician, and artist from the USA. He writes about atomic design, responsive web design, style guides, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, UX and Wordpress. He also helped create some tools and resources for web designers, including This Is Responsive and WTF Mobile Web.

    14. A list apart: popular blog with a huge list of contributors, that explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices

    15. Dan Denney: Dan is a frontend developer at Code School (Pluralsight), as Dan puts it: his primary role is writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build things for the web.

    16. Peter Kroener: Peter Kröner is a trainer and frontend expert from Berlin. He is researching and writing about Web-future technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Contributes to the Working Draft podcasts. Peter is an active speaker at conferences. Blog is in German.

    17. Snook: Jonathan Snook is a freelance web designer, developer, writer and speaker. Before going freelance, he worked at Yahoo!, was a Lead frontend Developer at Shopify and later UX Architect at Xero.

    18. Tutorialzine: Tutorialzine, as you might have guessed, provides simple tutorials on CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML5, PHP, and other areas.

    19. Position Absolute: Cedric Dugas is a development manager, javascripter, mobile web app advocate. He builds products and iterates in a “never ending quest for perfection”. Specializes in product management, UX & handling web apps frontend stack.

    20. Impressive Webs: Louis Lazaris is a freelance web developer from Canada. He is an author of two books on HTML/CSS. His blog covers topics on CSS, HTML, and JavaScript related concepts, principles, and bugs.

    21. Ponyfoo: Nicolás Bevacqua in a Senior UI engineer from Argentina. Ponyfoo is a tech-blog, where he shares his thoughts on JavaScript and the web. Nico likes writing, public speaking and is an open-source advocate.

    22. Developer Drive: blog, which covers latest trends, tutorials, opinion articles on the web development. Contributors include experienced web-designers, content marketers, web developers and startup founders.

    23. Jster: catalog of frontend JavaScript libraries, which also has a blog and a monthly newsletter.

    24. Working Draft: weekly news podcast for web-designer and web developers (In German).

    25. Scotch: web development blog with many tutorials, discussing all things programming, development, web and life.

    26. Frontend Happy hour: A podcast featuring panelists of engineers from Netflix, Evernote & LinkedIn talking over drinks about all things frontend development.

    27. Superhero.js: A Javascript-focused blog that collects talks, interviews, and articles on a variety of topics for a comprehensive knowledgebase on what does (and doesn’t) work in JavaScript.

    Codrops:Codrops 是一个 Web 设计和开发博客,其中发布有关最新 Web 趋势,技术和新可能性的文章和教程。

    大卫·沃尔什( David Walsh ):大卫( David Walsh )居住在威斯康星州,在那里他是高级 Web 开发人员和 Mozilla 的传播者。他对前端技术感兴趣,包括 HTML / 5,CSS,JavaScript 以及 jQuery,Dojo Toolkit 和 MooTools 之类的框架(他是核心贡献者)。

    Smashing Magazine:Smashing Magazine 不仅是一个博客,还是一个在线平台和电子书发行商,它为 Web 开发人员和设计师提供专业资源。除了主要的编辑活动,Smashing Magazine 还在欧洲和北美组织网页设计会议( Smashing Conference )

    2ality:Axel Rauschmayer 博士是总部位于慕尼黑的 Web 开发人员,他撰写有关 JavaScript 和移动计算的文章。Rauschmayer 详细介绍了 JavaScript 的基础和演进,特别是 ECMAScript 的当前和将来版本。他组织了 MunichJS 用户组,并写了 O'Reilly 的书“ Speaking JavaScript”。

    qFox:Peter van der Zee 是来自荷兰的前端开发人员。他专门研究 JavaScript / ECMASCript,解析器和低级 JS 性能。

    能量的流动:位于柏林的 Marijn Haverbeke 是一位独立开发商和作家。他将大部分时间都花在开源软件上,例如 CodeMirror 编辑器和 Tern 类型推断引擎。他最近赢得了 JS1K ( 1024 字节 JavaScript 演示)竞赛,并且是各种开源软件的作者。

    The Haystack:Stephen Hay 是居住在荷兰的加利福尼亚网络开发人员。Stephen 是 CSS,Web 可访问性,( Web )设计和开放 Web 标准等主题的热门演讲者,并发表了有关这些主题的几篇文章以及一本有关 Web 设计工作流程的书。

    约翰·帕帕( John Papa ):帕帕( Papa )是 Google 开发人员专家和 Microsoft 地区总监。他还为 Pluralsight 创建课程。他是会议和活动的活跃演讲者,擅长使用 Windows,HTML5,JavaScript,CSS,Silverlight,WPF,C #、. NET 和 SQL Server 等技术进行专业应用程序开发。

    James Long:Long 是 Mozilla 的 Web 开发人员,致力于 Firefox 开发人员工具。他的许多项目之一是 LLJS 的一个分支,可编译为 asm.js 。他对新的 JavaScript 框架,node.js 和 iOS 开发感兴趣。

    SpeckyBoy:SpeckyBoy 由前端设计师联盟于 2007 年成立,已在社交媒体上积累了大量追随者,成为注重设计的前端开发人员的枢纽。

    Webapplog:Azat Mardan 是 Capital One Financial Corporation 的技术研究员,在 Web,移动和软件开发方面拥有 14 年以上的经验。他撰写有关 Node.js ,MongoDB,Express,js 和 JavaScript 的文章,以及有关初创公司的文章。他还提供了有关这些主题的一系列教程。

    NCZ 在线:Nicholas C. Zakas 是 Yahoo 主页的前端技术主管。他是许多书籍的作者,包括可维护 JavaScript,面向 Web 开发人员的专业 JavaScript 和高性能 JavaScript 。会议上的活跃演讲者,主持了许多开源项目。

    布拉德·弗罗斯特( Brad Frost ):布拉德·弗罗斯特( Brad Frost )是来自美国的网页设计师,演讲者,顾问,音乐家和艺术家。他撰写有关原子设计,响应式网页设计,样式指南,HTML5,CSS,JavaScript,UX 和 Wordpress 的文章。他还帮助为 Web 设计人员创建了一些工具和资源,包括 This Is Responsive 和 WTF Mobile Web 。

    单独列出:具有大量贡献者的流行博客,它探讨 Web 内容的设计,开发和含义,并特别关注 Web 标准和最佳实践

    丹·丹尼( Dan Denney ):丹( Dan )指出,丹是 Code School ( Pluralsight )的前端开发人员:他的主要作用是编写 HTML,CSS 和 JavaScript 来为 Web 构建内容。

    彼得·克罗纳( Peter Kroener ):彼得·克罗纳( PeterKröner )是来自柏林的培训师和前端专家。他正在研究和撰写有关 HTML5,CSS3 和 JavaScript 之类的 Web 未来技术。为工作草案播客做出贡献。彼得是会议的积极发言人。博客是德语的。

    Snook:Jonathan Snook 是一位自由网页设计师,开发人员,作家和演讲者。在成为自由职业者之前,他曾在 Yahoo!工作,曾是 Shopify 的首席前端开发人员,后来是 Xero 的 UX Architect 。

    您可能已经猜到了 Tutorialzine:Tutorialzine 提供了有关 CSS,jQuery,JavaScript,HTML5,PHP 和其他领域的简单教程。

    绝对职位:Cedric Dugas 是一位开发经理,javascripter,移动 Web 应用程序倡导者。他制造产品并进行“永无止境的追求完美”的迭代。专门从事产品管理,UX 和处理 Web 应用程序前端堆栈。

    令人印象深刻的网站:Louis Lazaris 是来自加拿大的自由网络开发人员。他是有关 HTML / CSS 的两本书的作者。他的博客涵盖了与 CSS,HTML 和 JavaScript 相关的概念,原理和错误的主题。

    Ponyfoo:来自阿根廷的一名高级 UI 工程师 NicolásBevacqua 。Ponyfoo 是一位技术博客,他在其中分享了他对 JavaScript 和网络的想法。Nico 喜欢写作,公开演讲,并且是开源倡导者。

    开发者驱动器:博客,其中包含有关 Web 开发的最新趋势,教程和意见文章。贡献者包括经验丰富的 Web 设计人员,内容营销人员,Web 开发人员和初创公司创始人。

    Jster:前端 JavaScript 库的目录,该库也有一个博客和一个月度通讯。

    工作草案:面向 Web 设计人员和 Web 开发人员的每周新闻播客(德语)。

    Scotch:Web 开发博客,其中包含许多教程,讨论编程,开发,Web 和生活的所有内容。

    前端欢乐时光:播客,来自 Netflix,Evernote 和 LinkedIn 的工程师组成的小组成员讨论了有关前端开发的所有内容。

    Superhero.js:一个专注于 Javascript 的博客,它收集有关各种主题的讨论,访谈和文章,以获取有关 JavaScript 中哪些功能有效的综合知识库。

    7 条回复    2021-12-05 10:28:41 +08:00
       2021-04-22 16:08:16 +08:00
    有没有 react 相关的呢》?
       2021-04-22 16:29:07 +08:00
       2021-04-22 17:43:05 +08:00
    @Dogtler https://overreacted.io/

    此博客由 Redux 的共同创始人之一 Dan Abramov 创立,分享了他关于 React 实施的建议以及许多相关主题的技巧。
       2021-04-22 17:52:34 +08:00
       2021-04-22 17:53:26 +08:00 via iPhone
       2021-04-22 18:08:35 +08:00
       2021-12-05 10:28:41 +08:00
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