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[北京] We are looking for hackers!

  •   dfguo · 2013-07-24 19:57:59 +08:00 · 2816 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4105 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    Strikingly is the first Y Combinator-backed startup from China. We allow anyone to build a modern, mobile-optimized website in minutes.

    We’re already profitable and growing very fast. With that, we’ve attracted investment from top investors in both Silicon Valley and China, including Innovation Works (创新工场), SV Angel, Index Ventures, and Infinity Venture Partners. We've been covered by TechCrunch, The Next Web, Forbes, The New York Times,LifeHacker, and more.

    But most important of all is our Silicon Valley culture. We love hackers because we're hackers. We hate endless meetings, nonsensical rules, and office politics. We love building cool products and we value people who get stuff done.

    If you're our type of person, click here(www.strikingly.com/apply) to apply!

    For our hires in our China office, we offer:
    • Competitive salary
    • Take days off whenever you need, as long as you’re getting things done
    • Catered lunches, snacks and drinks at the office
    • Awesome work setup – large screen monitor, computer of your choice, etc.
    • At least one week oversea work away
    • Living/rent stipend if you live near our office

    Software Engineer - Front-end


    · Design and build new features from ground up, creating beautiful and enjoyable interfaces in HTML/CSS/JavaScript.
    · Practice disciplined software engineering (e.g. testing, code reviews, and writing beautiful, pragmatic code.)
    · Work closely with other engineers, designers, and marketers to ship an extraordinary product.
    · Communicate closely with users, collect feedback/metrics, and rapidly iterate on product.
    · Test and optimize features and interfaces to ensure quality experiences for users on all devices and browsers.
    · Be flexible, grow, and learn fast in a startup environment.


    · Good taste in web design
    · Solid understanding of UI/UX principles
    · Solid understanding of HTML5/CSS3 standards and cross-browser/cross-device web compatibility
    · Very strong skills in object-oriented JavaScript, jQuery, DOM manipulation
    · Can implement HTML/CSS/JavaScript efficiently from mockups or wireframes
    · Can easily pick up new front-end libraries/frameworks
    · Experience with Git
    · Bachelor’s degree or above in a technical discipline, or equivalent experience
    · Strong English language skills


    · You know how to fully optimize your front-end code for speed and compatibility
    · Experience with front-end MV* frameworks (Angular, Knockout, Backbone, Ember, etc.)
    · Experience with scripting languages (Ruby, Perl, PHP, Python, etc.)
    · Experience with standard design tools (Photoshop, Fireworks)
    Experience with mobile web development
    Software Engineer - Product

    · Design and build new features from ground up: crafting UIs with front-end engineers and building backend systems with Ruby
    · Practice disciplined software engineering (e.g. automated testing, code reviews, and writing beautiful, pragmatic code.)
    · Communicate closely with users, collect feedback/metrics, and rapidly iterate on product.
    · Work closely with other engineers, designers, and marketers to ship an extraordinary product
    · Be flexible, grow, and learn fast in a startup environment.

    · Good taste
    · Keen product sensibilities, with a desire to discover and fulfill the needs of users
    · Exceptional object-oriented programming skills
    · Experience in any server-side language (Java, Scala, Go, Node.js, Erlang, Python, Ruby, PHP and etc.)
    · Extensive knowledge of Unix/Linux
    · A solid foundation in computer science, with competencies in data structures, algorithms, and software design practices
    · Experience in optimizing your code to the extreme
    · Experience building highly interactive web applications, working up and down the stack
    · Experience with Git
    · BS, MS, or PhD in Computer Science or related technical discipline (or equivalent)
    · Conversational English skill
    · Object-oriented JavaScript skills
    · Test-driven development
    · Experience in distributed systems, performance analysis, network systems, large-scale storage systems, and web infrastructure, with extensive knowledge of Unix/Linux
    · Strong understanding of database design and SQL, caching, and scalability
    · Experience in optimizing your code to the extreme
    · Experience with shipping high-volume production applications
    · Familiar with AWS stack
       2013-07-24 20:19:57 +08:00
    sorry for the re-post. accidentally posted it and cant delete it.
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