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[深圳] 安卓 iOS QA engineer 看过来, Senior & Staff, base 深圳,美资外企 965 不加班有股票

  •   erlangshanxia · 2021-03-09 15:45:15 +08:00 · 1056 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1329 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    熟悉 QA 常用的脚本语言,测试流程,英语交流无障碍,那就私我,内推给你。 主要是测试安卓和 IOS 手机,测试内容是 DolbyVision 和 HDR 之类的东西。


    wechat: xiaoxiongxiong_2

    JD 自己看喽。


    2.Experience in building & shipping video playback devices like STB, TV, DMA and mobile, etc.


    4.Experience with at least one automation testing frameworks, such as Pytest, Selenium, Appium, on one of the operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS.

    5.Hands on experience of bringing up SOCs (Board Support Package), Porting OS (Linux or any other RTOS), writing Device drivers (ex: Video in/out), is a plus.

    6.Extensive experience in various media frameworks, e.g. Android, Microsoft, Linux and other leading Operating systems video codecs, and compression standards such as H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC.

    7.Experience working with streaming technologies and protocols including HLS, MPEG DASH, Smooth Streaming, Play Ready, MP4 containers and Transport stream containers.

    8.Technical skills and knowledge of Streaming, Broadcast, MVPD content distribution systems and architectures are very desirable.

    9.Expertise of various media frameworks (ex: Android, Microsoft, Linux and other leading Operating systems) is required

    10.Strong communication skills, both written and verbal.

       2021-03-10 10:47:07 +08:00
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