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[上海/陆家嘴]凯业必达招 SQL DBA

  •   yune · 2013-06-09 15:19:52 +08:00 · 2817 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4150 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    招SQL DBA 1人 简历发到 yune.zhang(a)careerbuilder.com 多谢!

    凯业必达(CareerBuilder)是北美最大的在线网络招聘运营商,也是全球流量最大 的30个网站之一。我们鼓励员工的自主创新精神,帮助员工不但在工作上有机会发挥自己的创造性,同时也为员工提供良好的学习与工作的环境。凯业必达被Glassdoor.com评为2012年芝加哥50大最佳雇主之一,这也是凯业必达连续第四年获此殊荣。在50家公司中,凯业必达排名第6位,福利除了正常的社保和公积金外,我们还提供健身福利补助,额外家庭人寿保险,领导培训机会和出国出差机会。

    We are looking for a Junior to Mid-Level SQL Server Database Administrator (DBA) to become a part of our Site Infrastructure Team based out of our Shanghai Lujiazui office. This person will help lead in the requirements, design, and implementation of projects to enhance the SQL Server platform so it can meet the ever growing needs of the CareerBuilder website. This position requires knowledge in the theory and practical application of SQL Server 2012/2008 RDBMS architecture, SQL Server Design, and SQL Query Performance Tuning.
    The ideal candidate is highly-motivated, detail-oriented, self-directed and flexible with excellent communication skills. The ideal candidate will also have good architecture skills, strong Windows/SQL clustering skills, and excellent problem solving skills working with replicated systems.
    Your primary DBA responsibilities will be:
    • Designing and architecting SQL Server solutions for an N-tier 24x7 high volume production environment
    • Manage system issues, upgrades, performance tuning, backup/recovery, and replication
    • Configuring/extending our custom SQL Server Monitoring infrastructure
    • Full Lifecycle management of SQL Server implementations in a clustered/replicated/virtualized environment
    Some of the technologies you will be using are:
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2008R2/2012
    • SQL Server Transactional Replication
    • Windows Server 2008/2008R2/2012
    • Windows Clustering
    • SQL Server System Tables/Views
    Job Requirements:
    • Must have an Enterprise proactive vision
    • Good communication skills
    • 4-year College Degree
    • 1-3 years of solid SQL Server DBA experience in a replicated/clustered environment
    • Experience troubleshooting SQL Server and Replication using system tables/views
    • Ability to troubleshoot SQL Server performance issues via command line
    • Excellent T-SQL skills
    • Experience tuning SQL for optimal performance
    • Experience writing automation scripts
    • Experience with SQL Server 2012, VMWare, and 3rd party tools would be a plus
    1 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2013-06-12 15:18:59 +08:00
    DBA们都在哪? 没收到简历。
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